퍼거스의 검귀 펠릭스/대사


I am Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Is it true that I can fight Heroes from other worlds here? I may enjoy this place.フェリクス=ユーゴ=フラルダリウス。この城で異世界の英雄と仕合えると聞いた。さぞ骨のあることだろう……楽しみだ。

Hmph. I cannot understand wasting useful break time eating sweets.…フン、休憩の際に菓子を食べたがるなど、俺にはてんで理解できん。
I do not regret being born into a family of warriors. Wielding a sword is as natural as breathing to me.武門に生まれたことに不満はない。剣を振るのは性に合っているからな。
Never underestimate me. I prepare myself for the worst. Your actions should show that you do the same.チッ…舐めるな。俺とて、とうに腹はくくっている。お前も、行動で示すことだ。
I have no problem cooking, but I better not hear anyone complain about how it tastes.料理については問題ない。味についてとやかく言わなければ、な。
I never had an interest in magic, but a swordsman who understands it has an advantage over one who does not.魔道というものは苦手だ、好きにもなれん。だが、ただの剣士よりも、その心得を理解しているほうが有利だろうからな。

친구 방문

I am Felix Hugo Fraldarius. Now that introductions are complete, I wish to duel your strongest warrior.フェリクス=ユーゴ=フラルダリウス。名乗りは上げた。この城で一番の強者との手合いを所望する。

레벨 업

I must continue to get stronger and faster. I aim for ever greater heights.より強く、より速く……!目指す境地は、まだ先にある。
Too easy. Is there no one with more skill who can face me?他愛もない。もっと腕の立つ奴はいないのか。
There is nothing to be learned from cutting down the defenseless.フン…歯応えのない相手を斬ったところで得られるものなど何もない。


Hmph... I suppose a thank-you is in order.フン……一応、礼を言っておこう。

5성 40레벨 달성

The more one fights in battle, the more one comes to bear a certain weight, whether one wishes to or not.
If the king falls, what becomes of the hopes and dreams of those who fall with him? Of their homes, their land?
...What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did you think me a shallow man obsessed only with combat?
I have taken time to consider the purpose of living in my way.
This comes from bearing witness to who will be king and who should be king up close...
You may follow me if you want to see where this path leads, but know I am selfish and will not wait for you.





오의 발동

I'll cut you down!切り捨てる…!
Leave my sight!消えろ…!
A waste of my time.時間の無駄だ
You think this is a game?遊びのつもりか


Where's...my weapon?もう何も…見えん…


What do you think you're looking at? Impudent buffoon.何を見ている? 不躾な奴だな。
What—! ...I have no intention of playing along with your ridiculous games.!? …そういう遊びに付き合う気はない。
How many foes have tasted my blade? Too many to count, and I assure you, there will be more to come.俺はこれまで多くのものを斬ってきた。そして、これからもだ。
My father and I may share the same blood, but that is all we have in common. I despise him.親父殿とは、血が繋がっているというだけだ。ああ、嫌いだな。
Humans and beasts are ultimately the same. When they're cornered, they lash out however they can. They fight for their lives.人も獣も同じ…追い詰められた者ほど手段を選ばずに向かってくる。
From the moment I first picked up a sword, I wanted to surpass my older brother.俺は兄を超えたかった。初めて剣を握ったその時から、ずっと…
Be proud of your skills. I consider you my most worthy new opponent.お前は俺の新たな好敵手だと思っている。

아군 턴 터치

I see.そうか
What now?どうする
I'll handle it.任せろ

캐릭터 페이지로