검성을 이은 자 필/대사


I'm Fir! I aspire to master the sword and travel all over to find sparring partners. Please spar with me!私は旅の剣士フィル。修行を兼ねて諸国を旅しています。一手、お頼み申します!

Everywhere I turn here... More Heroes... More legends... I want to spar with them all!このお城でお見かけするのは歴戦の英雄の方々ばかり…ぜひ手合せをお願いしたいです!
I really want to become a great sword master like my mother and uncle before me. And I will.伯父上と母上は剣の道を究めた剣聖でした。私もいつかはあんなふうに…
Good work on your patrols! I should learn from your example and go train extra hard with my sword.見回りお疲れ様です!私も見習わないと…剣の稽古がんばります!
Now, prepare yourself to—!
What? I was just getting ready to practice with my sword!
たのもー!…え? 二人で稽古する時に言うのは変ですか?
Hyaaaa! Hyaaaa! Hya—?!
Oh! You might want to stand back while I'm practicing, all right?

친구 방문

Now, prepare yourself to—! Oh! It's you! I've come bearing a hello from [Friend].たのもー![フレンド]さんからあなたへの挨拶を預かってきました!

레벨 업

One step closer to being a sword master!見えました。これが…剣聖への道!
I need to keep this up. It makes a difference!手ごたえありです。この調子でがんばります!
I'll never surpass my mother or uncle at this rate.これでは…伯父上や母上に追いつけません…


I'll do my best to bloom using this power!いただいたこの力、必ず花開かせます!

5성 40레벨 달성

I've fought and sparred, and sparred and fought, pretty much constantly since I got here.
I think I'm nearer to mastering the sword, but I have to say that you've taught me something new.
You've shown me that strength isn't just about blades and battles, [Summoner].
It takes far greater strength to want to protect others and keep the peace—as you do.
I would like to stay by your side and continue learning what strength truly is.
You seem to be great at so many things—not just tactics. I look forward to learning from the master!




Thi-...can't be...なっ…こんな…

오의 발동

I will have my victory!いざ、勝負!
Don't you hold back!手加減無用です!
The path of the sword!剣の道を!
Face my blade!真剣にいきます!


It's over...…道は…遠いのに…


My turn now?はいっ、私の出番ですか?
You know, I'm not really the sort that's good with teasing.ひゃっ!? か、からかわないでください!
Please spar with me.手合せ願います!
I defend myself well with my sword. But you know? I never see a lie coming.私、騙されやすいみたいです…
I will be a master of the sword. You can count on that.剣の修行をしてたんです
I hope to be every bit as good as my mother someday.私も、いつか母上のように…
I know I'll get plenty of training—long as I stick with you.あなたといると、良い修行になります

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.いざ!
Where to?参ります!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Frozen solid!凍らせます
Try this on for size!これが私の…!
You won't beat me!負けません!

패배 - 신장

So cold...凍えそうです…

상태창 - 신장

Oh! This Nifl garb is really pretty, isn't it?ニフル王国の衣装です! とても綺麗ですね。
Hey! Don't startle me. Do you want to be frozen solid?きゃあっ! もう、あなたも凍らせちゃいますよ?
Princess Fjorm is so strong...and refined. I really admire her.フィヨルム王女はとてもお強くて上品で…憧れてしまいます。
No matter how I'm dressed, I'm always up for training!どんな格好でも、修行は怠りません!
Whenever my father showers me in praise, it's so embarrassing.父上が大げさに褒めるものだから…恥ずかしいです…
Wouldn't it be lovely to walk through the freshly falling snow with someone?一面の雪景色…誰かと歩いたら素敵でしょうね…
I feel stronger in these clothes because they remind me of the support you've given me!あなたにもらった服、力が湧いてくるようです!

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Sounds good!わかりました
Where to now?どっちですか?
I'm off!いきますよ!

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