꽃핀 얼음의 공주 피요름/대사


I am Fjorm, clad in the armor of the champion of Nifl, god of ice. I am pleased to rejoin your side.フィヨルムと申します。この姿は、氷神ニフル様の戦士の証…これからもよろしくお願い致します。

So much time has passed since I first came to Askr. I have such fond memories of my time here.アスク王国へ来てから、ずいぶん長い時間が経ちました。良い思い出もたくさんあります。
My brother and the people of Nifl are working so hard to restore our homeland and bring happiness to all.ニフル王国は、兄様たちや皆様の努力の甲斐あって、かつての幸せが戻りつつあります。
I am glad to spend time with you again. Oh, I didn't really mean anything by that. I'm just happy.またこうしてご一緒できること…嬉しく思います。あ、その…特に他意はなく、純粋に…
Please, allow me to continue to repay my debt to you. That is my wish.どうかこれからも、あなたへの恩返しをさせてください。それが私の望みです。
This weapon is the power of Nifl, the god of ice, crystallized. To wield it is an immense honor.この武器は氷神ニフル様のお力そのもの…こうして持っているのが恐れ多いです。

친구 방문

I am Fjorm of Nifl, the Kingdom of Ice. I hope you will continue to treat [Friend] well.ニフル王国のフィヨルムと申します。[フレンド]様のこと、これからもよろしくお願い致します。

레벨 업

For [Summoner]![召喚師]様のために…!
Slowly but surely, step by step.少しずつ、着実に進みます。
Not again... I'm sorry.ま、また…申し訳ありません。


Thank you. I will strive even harder now.ありがとうございます。私、もっと頑張ります。

5성 40레벨 달성

I have come to understand that Lady Nifl was close to Queen Hvergel, my ancestor.
I have also come to understand something about losing someone you care about...
I have a request for you, [Summoner].
Please, allow me to protect you from any enemy that may seek to harm you—from across all the nine realms.
Even if I must sacrifice myself to do it, I will ensure your safety.




I can't lose...負けませんっ…

오의 발동

Nifl, God of Ice!氷神ニフルよ!
Even if I die...生き抜いて見せる!
All I have, I give!この身のすべてを!


Princess Laegjarn...…レーギャルン…王女…


This weapon and armor were granted to me by the great Nifl, god of ice.この刃と鎧は、氷神ニフル様から賜ったものです。
Ah! Please, do not startle me like that! *pause* I'm glad to see you're the same as ever.きゃっ!? もう、びっくりしてしまいました…
A power bestowed by a god... Am I truly worthy to bear such a thing?神に選ばれし者の力…私が持っていてよいのでしょうか…?
I wonder how Princess Laegjarn felt at that moment... I can't even imagine it.レーギャルン王女は、どんな気持ちだったのでしょう…?
I will give my life to repay your kindness.あなたへの御恩は、一生かけてお返し致します。
I know it may not seem it, but Lady Nifl is actually very kind.ニフル様は、本当はとてもお優しい方…
Being here with you again... I couldn't ask for anything more.また、あなたのおそばにいられて…嬉しいです。

아군 턴 터치

Lady Nifl...ニフル様…
I'll protect you.お守りします

캐릭터 페이지로