사랑스러운 왕자 폴레오/대사


It's good to meet you. I am Forrest, Leo's son. I will do my best to uphold his proud name.はじめまして。僕はレオンの息子…フォレオと申します。お父様の名に恥じぬよう、頑張りますね。

The Order of Heroes' uniforms are amazing... That gleaming white? It's inspirational.
I'd add my own touches, of course. Maybe I'd line the cape with soft rose silk...
I was raised in the Deeprealms to keep me safe from war.
Focusing on my sewing helped me work through the loneliness I felt, not being able to see my parents.
If you get injured or tear your clothes, call on me. Mending bones and outfits are two of my specialties.怪我をしたり、お洋服が破れたりしたら遠慮なく言ってくださいね。僕はどっちも、なおしてあげられますから。
Would you like to gather herbs with me? Or maybe we can go shopping for accessories...
Really, I'd just like the chance to have a nice, long chat with you.
I've been watching everybody as they come and go... It's fun to spy out all the different clothing they wear.ここで、皆さんのことを見ていました。いろんな世界から来た英雄たち…お洋服もそれぞれ違って、楽しいです。

친구 방문

Pardon the intrusion! I've been handed a letter just for you, from [Friend].すみません、お邪魔しますね。[フレンド]さんから…あなたへの挨拶をお届けに参りました。

레벨 업

This may call for a new look soon!な、なんだかお洋服がきつくなってきました…
My inner strength is really blossoming.この調子で男の子らしく、強くなりますよ。
I know I can do better than that.すみません…もっと鍛えておきますね。


Well, this is lovely. Do you think it suits me?素敵な力です…僕に似合っていますか?

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, my apologies. I was praying—it's something I like to do. I'm expressing my gratitude for being here.
Why? Because I was able to meet you, of course. You've been so kind, looking out for me, encouraging me...
You've stayed at my side when things get tough. That's how I got interested in the Order of Heroes' uniforms.
I watch out for you for one reason—it means that I care about you! I'd be happy to stay by your side.





오의 발동

I'm stunning. You're dead.塵にして差し上げます!
Can't run. Can't hide.逃がしません!
What a shame.恥さらしです!
Don't take this personally.ごめんなさい…!


Red stains...they spread...お洋服が…赤く…


Feel better!癒して差し上げますね
I can mend your clothes!お洋服も直せますよ?
Be honest. My outfit… Too much, or not enough?あの…僕、かわいい…ですか?
There's a bunch of equipment lying around. Do you need me to move it for you?力仕事は任せてください、これでも男の子なんですからね
You know, I think some ruffles would really liven up that robe of yours!そのお洋服、フリルをつけるのは如何でしょう?
Someday, it'll fall to me to wield Father's weapon, Brynhildr. I'll need to be ready.お父様のブリュンヒルデ…僕に使う資格はあるのでしょうか…
I could never leave someone to die. It doesn't matter what the situation is. I refuse to bring shame on the Nohrian royal family!どんな状況であれ、誰かを見殺しにするなんてできません。そんなの暗夜王族の恥晒しですから。

아군 턴 터치

Forrest is here!フォレオです

캐릭터 페이지로