성실한 부관 폴스/대사


Seems it is my turn to make my entrance. I'm Forsyth! Now then... which direction to the enemy?やっと僕を呼んでくれたね!僕の名前はフォルス。さあ、敵はどこだい?

Heroes from other worlds, hm? I am sure we can learn much from them. I must thank you for summoning me.異世界の王族や英雄…彼らから学べることも多いだろう。召喚されたことを感謝しないとな。
I served as Sir Clive's right-hand man during our time with the Deliverance. ...Time neither of us will soon forget.ソフィア解放軍でクレーベさまの片腕として活躍していたんだ!いやあ、あれは激しい戦いだった…
Are you resting enough? While it is true that tenacity is a virtue, fatigue can spell your end. Do take care.十分に休息はとっているかい?勤勉なのは結構だが根をつめ過ぎてもよくないぞ。
A castle like this must surely be home to a tactical codex or two. Would you mind pointing me toward the library?この城には兵法の参考になりそうな本などはないのかな? よければ図書室に案内してくれないか。
Here, my relationship with Sir Clive may not be defined by our ranks, yet I would still like to serve him.
How to best do so, I wonder...

친구 방문

Your sworn ally wishes to express support. I come bearing good tidings from [Friend].失礼する。我が盟友[フレンド]から君に陣中見舞いだよ。

레벨 업

Hah! I look rather dashing today, do I not?はーっはっはっは!見たまえ! 僕の雄姿を!!
Tolerable results, I suppose. Ah well. Even small steps are forward motion.まずまずじゃないかな?堅実にいこう。
Forgive me for this failure. I will push myself harder to live up to your expectations...君の期待に応えられず不甲斐ないよ…


I swear to become a Hero worthy of your support!君にふさわしい英雄になることをここに誓おう!

5성 40레벨 달성

Hello there. How are you doing? I, for one, couldn't be better. In fact, I'd like to be deployed even more!
I enlisted with dreams of knighthood, but I got stuck out in the middle of nowhere somehow...
But now I'm glad for any chance to make a name for myself!
Honestly, I thought I was dreaming, being summoned to another world by someone in need of my power...
I just hope I'm able to meet your expectations... I must be ever ready to lend my renowned strength... Hah!
Er... Forgive my levity. In any case, for peace, I shall spare no effort! Please, give me whatever orders you will!





오의 발동

Your doom comes!観念したまえ!
Run not, coward!逃がさないよ
Meet your end!これで終わりだ!
In the name of Zofia!誇りにかけて!


The shame of it...面目ない…


I am Forsyth, Sir Clive's lieutenant and advisor. Pleased to meet you.僕はフォルス。クレーベ様の副官だ。よろしく頼むよ。
Whoa! ...Oh, it's you. *ahem* Need something?おわぁあっ!? …ゴホン。やあ、君か。何か用かな?
We fight to shield Zofia from Rigel's machinations.我々はソフィア王国をリゲルの侵略から守るために戦っているんだ。
It is all thanks to Sir Clive that I'm the man I have become. I owe him my deepest thanks.クレーベ様のおかげで今の僕がある。感謝してもし足りないよ。
I wish Python would take this seriously! *tch* I shouldn't speak ill of him. He's good at heart.パイソンは真面目にやっているかい? すまない、悪い奴じゃないんだ。
I must think of this as a stop on my journey to becoming a knight. All right! I'm ready to take on the world!これも騎士になるための試練だと思えば…ようし、やるぞー!
No matter the realm, the task laid on us is the same: preserve the peace.どんな世界でも、やるべきことは変わらないさ。共に平和を守ろう。

아군 턴 터치

There you go.いい判断だ
Sure, are you?そうかな…

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