힘을 시험하는 열풍 후우가/대사


I am Fuga. As chieftain of the Wind Tribe, I am honored to share our festival with Askr.私はフウガ。風の部族の族長だ。風の祭りを行えることうれしく思う。さあ、はじめようか!

My tribe does not curry favor with any foreign power. We maintain a neutral position with our own might.我が風の部族はどの国にもおもねることはない。自らの力で、つねに中立を保ってきた。
My people have long trained in the strong desert winds. They will not be easily moved.砂漠から吹き付ける強い風の中我が部族は鍛錬を重ねてきた。足腰の踏ん張りには自信がある。
The Wind Tribe makes an excellent healing potion. The recipe has been a long-held secret of ours.
However, if you should have need of it, I would teach you the recipe.
This is special garb worn only during the wind festival. It is usually stored away in Reppu Castle.これは風の祭りのときに着る特別な装束でな。普段は我らの居城烈風城の宝物庫にしまってある。
Many of those whom you call Heroes are yet children. They seem to have taken a liking to me somehow...ヴァイス・ブレイヴには幼子の英雄も多いのだな。すっかり懐かれてしまったぞ…。

친구 방문

I am Fuga, leader of the Wind Tribe. You have been invited to the wind festival by [Friend].私は風の部族を率いるフウガだ。[フレンド]から風の祭りへの招待だ。

레벨 업

I feel a mighty wind coursing through me!しかとこの身に感じたぞ。心地よくも力強い雄々しき風を!
My strength is born of necessity.力を持たぬ者を認めるわけにはいかんのでな。
We must anticipate poor results from time to time. In this life, many days will prove disappointing.成果が出なかったか。致し方あるまい…。長い人生、こんな日もある。


You expect much of me, it seems. Allow me to show my gratitude on the battlefield.ほう、なかなか志の高い者のようだな。こちらも相応の礼を返そう。

5성 40레벨 달성

The wind carries seeds of life, but it can also whip into a ferocious storm capable of great destruction.
It takes no physical shape, and yet is the embodiment of strength itself.
We of the Wind Tribe have dedicated our very being to learning how to live with this force's power.
The wind has forged us and bestowed its blessings upon us. Our lives revolve around it.
No matter how it blows, we will continue to hold our heads high and press forward.
We do so because we know this truth: the wind will bring us good fortune in our time.





오의 발동

Prepare for oblivion.吹き飛ばしてやろう
You are not worthy.覚悟はいいか?
Wind, heed my call!風よ…!
I am beyond you.届かぬわ!


I was careless...ぬかったな…


I am Fuga. I lead the Wind Tribe.私はフウガ。風の部族を率いておる。
Hm? Is this some manner of greeting among your people?むっ…? それは、お前の部族の挨拶か?
Ah. I am honored to see so many people from other worlds taking part in our festivities.我らの祭りに異界の者たちまで集ってもらえるとは光栄だ。
Hayato is a skilled diviner who has mastered a number of unique skills.ツクヨミは稀な秘術の才能を持っている、優秀な呪い師だ。
I was once friends with Sumeragi, the late king of Hoshido.私はかつての白夜王、スメラギの友であった。
The divine sword Yato... So the legends were true...神刀【夜刀神】の伝説…。真実であったか…
I hope you will visit Reppu Castle one day. You would be most welcome in my home.お前を我が烈風城へ招きたいものだ。歓迎するぞ。

아군 턴 터치

Is there a problem?どうした?
Let us be off.さあ行くぞ

캐릭터 페이지로