창공의 용기사 게일/대사


I am Galle, wyvern rider of Bern. If you are honorable, my mount and I stand ready to aid you.ベルンの竜騎士、ゲイルだ。貴公が信に足る人物ならば我が騎竜と共に力になろう。

Oh, Melady... The days we spent together were my happiest. If only we had met in peaceful times...ミレディ…お前と共に過ごした日々は俺の人生で最も美しく、楽しいものだった。平和な時代に、出会いたかったものだな…
His Majesty gave this Etrurian outsider a place in Bern... It was only natural I pledge myself to his service.エトルリア出の余所者である俺を引き立て、陛下はベルンに居場所をくださった。俺が忠誠を誓ったのも、当然だろう。
Your attire is unsuited to battle. If you plan on taking to the front lines, you are either courageous or eccentric.その風体、およそ戦いに臨む者には見えんな。それで戦場の矢面に立つというのであればかなりの胆力の持ち主か、変わり者か。
I am simply tending to my wyvern. Forming a bond with the partner you fight alongside comes naturally.なに、竜の世話をしていただけだ。共に戦場を駆ける相棒となれば自然と愛着も湧くというものだ。
A gathering of wyvern riders from across many worlds... A gathering of the elite. I won't soon be bested.様々な異界の竜騎士たちか…なるほど、いずれ劣らぬ精鋭揃いの様だ。ふふ、負けてはおれんな。

친구 방문

I am Galle, wyvern rider of Bern. I bear a message from an ally. Are you [Summoner]?ベルン竜騎士、ゲイルだ。友好の使者としてこちらに来た。[召喚師]殿か?

레벨 업

Now you ken the strength of the wyvern riders of Bern!我らベルン竜騎士の力、今こそ思い知るがいい!
I cannot take pride in this. I will continue my training.この程度で慢心はできない。まだまだ鍛えねば。
Purely an amateur. Pah!くっ……未熟。


You have my thanks. Know also I will repay you. That is my way.感謝する。恩には必ず報いる。それが俺の生き方だ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Ah, [Summoner]...
Oh, it's nothing important. I was just reflecting on something that happened long ago...
I believed in my path. I obeyed my leader, fought my hardest, and yet was defeated. And I regret none of it.
However, here I've been able to speak to old friends and other Heroes...and perhaps...another path was open.
I can see what you think of this. I am a knight. My convictions and loyalties guide me. I will fight and die for them.
That is how I live my life. So, let us go and strike down your foes. I will take to the skies with a clear heart.





오의 발동

Final farewells.さらばだ
I will crush you.叩きつぶす
Was that it?その程度か
Hesitation betrays you!迷いは捨てろ


No regret...悔いはない…


I am Galle, a knight of Bern.俺はゲイル。ベルンの騎士だ。
Melady?! Oh. It's you.!? …お前か。てっきりミレディかと…
You must crush all who stand in the way of your cause...no matter who they are.自分の信じた道に立ちふさがる者を叩きつぶす。それが誰であってもな。
In battle, we are but servants to our betters. It's that simple.忠誠を誓った主のために戦う。それだけの話だ
Zeiss doesn't mince words. Melady can count on him.ツァイスは真っ直ぐないい奴だ。きっとミレディを支えてくれる。
Oh, Melady... Our days together were the happiest of my life. To have met you was incredible luck.ミレディ、お前に出会えてよかった。俺の人生で最も楽しい日々だった。
You have proven yourself worthy of my trust. I am at your command.お前は信じるに値する人間だ。お前のために戦おう。

아군 턴 터치

Is that so?そうか
Such caution...慎重だな
We will topple them.倒すのみだ

캐릭터 페이지로