사막의 호랑이 지스트/대사


I'm Gerik. Just another average mercenary, I'm afraid. I'll earn my keep, though. Just watch.俺はジスト。しがない傭兵をやってる。戦いの役には立つと思うぜ。

Didn't plan on being a mercenary, but a friend of mine said he wanted to be the greatest warrior in all the land...
I figured I was already better than him, so...why not keep it that way?
Huh? The appeal of mercenary life? Well, there's the drinking...傭兵の楽しみといやぁ、まあ酒だわな。いつだったかポカラで馳走になったナントカって酒は…ありゃ最高だった。
I never lie to friends. It can make mercenary life tougher, but...if that's how it is, that's how it is.俺は、仲間や友人には嘘をつかねぇ。絶対に、裏切らねえ……傭兵としちゃ、バカなやり方だがな。
Hey there, boss! Just who I was lookin' for. Care to join me for a refreshing beverage?よーう、大将!いいところに来たな。まあ一杯、付き合えよ。
Can't go slackin' off during training. My skill with the blade still ain't much, so I've got to focus to survive.今でも鍛錬は欠かさねえ。俺の剣の腕なんてな、たかが知れてる…生き延びるために、全力を尽くすぜ。

친구 방문

I'm Gerik, a mercenary in the service of [Friend].俺はジスト。いまは[フレンド]のとこで傭兵をやってる。

레벨 업

Not bad, eh? Sometimes all you need to succeed is a little brute force!いいんじゃねぇか?押し切っちまえ!
Could be better, could be worse...ま、うまくいったか…
I'm trying my best over here...おいおい?こっちも本気でやってんだぜ?


More fighting coming up, huh? Got it. No complaints here. Work's work.まだまだ戦いが続くってことかい。……いや、文句なんてねぇさ。これも俺の仕事だからな。

5성 40레벨 달성

When I was younger, before I'd ever lost a duel, I thought I was invincible. But I was set straight before long.
Then I fought this knight from...some country or another. After we crossed swords, this scar was my reward.
I'd never endured such a crushing defeat, and it shook me to my core. My first encounter with true fear.
I realized then that I hadn't come as far as I had on my own. There were others who helped me along the way.
So ever since, I've dedicated myself to fighting for others, not just myself. And, uh...here we are.
As long as there's work and pay, I'll support and protect you. I swear it on my honor as a mercenary.





오의 발동

This is my job.仕事だからな
You're on!受けて立とう
Ain't gonna be easy.簡単にはいかねえぜ
No one can touch me!一騎当千ってところか?


This day had to come...こんな日も…あるさ……


Ha ha ha!ははっ
I'm Gerik, leader of a band of mercenaries. Hope we get along.俺はジスト。傭兵団のリーダーだ。ま、仲良くやっていこうぜ。
Hm? What's that? If you want a fight, let's go.おっ? なんだなんだ? やるなら相手になるぜ。
If you let yourself get intimidated, you've already lost. Garcia taught me that.気持ちで負けたら、どんな相手にも勝てねえ。ガルシアから学んだことだ。
I was young and stupid, once. This scar is my punishment.この顔の傷は、若くてバカだった俺への戒めなのさ。
Before I became a mercenary... Ah! Gambling was my one true love in life.傭兵になる前は、三度の飯より賭けが好きだったんだ。
Life's a funny thing. You might find yourself fighting alongside your friend's killer, or end up in another world altogether...人生分からねえもんだ。親友の仇と共闘したり、異世界に呼ばれたり…
I'll stick with you to the end. You see... You've got to show some backbone if you want to be a leader.雇い主より先にへばったら仲間に怒鳴られちまう。最後まで付き合うぜ。

아군 턴 터치

I like the sound of that.そりゃいい
Got a plan?策でもあるのか?

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