흑질풍 하르/대사
I'm Haar. You might be surprised to hear I run cargo. If you want something, just ask my partner. | 俺はハール。こう見えて荷物の運び屋をやってる。仕事の依頼なら、相棒を通してくれ。 |
*yawn* No, I'll take a bit more sleep, thank you very much. | ふあ…ぁ。ああ…もう一眠りするか。 |
You wanna know what it's like where I come from, eh? Well...all I have to say is this. Everybody's equal there, no matter their position. | 俺の故郷はどんなかって?身分の差もなく平等…って国なら話も短くてよかったんだがね。 |
Looks like you dropped your firewood... No, no, no. Those gloves are way too stiff. Just rub some oil into 'em. That'll get 'em nice and snug. | おっと、薪を落としたぞ。その手袋、固いんじゃないのか?油を塗って揉んでおくと手に馴染むぞ。 |
You sure put in the hours. Ever heard of "work-life balance?" If you ever want to loosen up, I'll teach you. | お前もよくよく働くやつだな。適当に手を抜きたいときには言えよ。いい塩梅ってやつを教えてやる。 |
My talent is sleeping. I can fall asleep anywhere—on the floor, in a tree, on my wyvern... If you find me, please... Don't wake me up, OK? | 俺はどこでも熟睡できるのが特技でな。床でも木の上でも、竜の上でもな。ああ、見つけても大目に見てくれよ。 |
친구 방문
I'm here in [Friend]'s place. I brought the good stuff. Wanna knock one back? | よう。[フレンド]から差し入れだ。こいつはいい酒だぞ、一杯やるか。 |
레벨 업
This is no good. If I stand out, you're going to put me on the front lines, aren't you? | いかんいかん、あまり目立つとな…最前線でこき使われるのは程々にしてほしいもんだ。 |
Just how I like it—somebody else will pick up the slack. | そうそう。こんなもんでいいんだ。後は手柄を立てたいやつらに任せる。 |
Sometimes, it's hard to stay motivated, isn't it? Can't have that... | あー…これはちょっとな…いくらなんでも気が抜けすぎか? |
*sigh* Guess I can't slack off, huh? Oh, well. | はぁ…これでまた、一段と俺は…手抜きしにくくなっちまったなあ。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh, so it's you. Here to interrupt my nap once again, are you? Look, it's not like I dislike you. I just need my space. Dealing with people is—*yawn*—pretty tiring. I'll get the job done, of course. But in my spare time, I like to be left to my own devices. You remind me of somebody. You're both way too serious, and give your all to get things done... I'm not going to babysit you, but I do have your back. I'll rest a lot easier if I know you're doing OK. | よお、[召喚師]か。また俺の昼寝を邪魔しにきたのか? お前のことは嫌いなわけじゃないが…四六時中人に合わせなきゃならんのはどうにも息が詰まる。 やらなきゃならん状況はわきまえるがそれ以外の時間は放っておいてくれるとありがたいんだがね。 お前のそういう融通の利かなさな。アイツにそっくりだ。バカ真面目で、何にでも精一杯で… 子守なんて柄じゃないんだが、寝覚めが悪くなっても困るからな…お前の背中は俺が守ってやるよ。 |
はっ | |
well well | やれやれ |
うああっ! | |
Hmpht | ちっ… |
오의 발동
Up and at 'em, partner! | いくぞ、相棒 |
Come on, then. | …来いよ |
This won't go well for you. | ままならねえな… |
Show me what ya got. | 見せてもらおうか |
General Shiharam... I... | …シハラム隊長…俺は… |
Haha | ははっ |
*yawn* Boy, I'm bushed. Mind if I sleep? How's a nap sound? | ふぁぁぁ…眠いな。しばらく寝てていいか? |
Huh? Sorry, nodded off for a second there. | んん? ああ、悪い…居眠りしてた。 |
I've got a delivery to make, and this cargo's really heavy. I'm getting sick of taking orders. | 俺はしがない荷運びでな。…もう国に仕えるのは…うんざりだ。 |
You work pretty hard. I'd better cut down on the naps if I want to keep up. | あんたもなかなか人使いが荒いな。ずっと昼寝ってわけにはいかねえか… |
I was proud to fight for my General. | 俺にとって、あの人の部下だったことは誇りだ… |
Do what's best for you. Just don't trample over people you care about to do it. | 自分の価値観を持つのは良い。大切な相手とぶつかることさえなきゃな… |
Whatever happens, let's make sure we survive this, huh? | せっかくだから生き残ろうぜ、俺もあんたも…な。 |
아군 턴 터치
Uh huh. | ああ |
Fine, what's next? | どうしたもんかね… |
*sigh* | ふあああ… |
공격 - 신장
- | やっ |
- | ほらよっ |
피격 - 신장
- | ぐっ… |
Really? | いてぇなあ… |
오의 발동 - 신장
Make way. | どいてもらうぜ |
Thought you were winning? | 甘く見るなよ |
Let's clean up. | 片づけとくか |
I'll handle this. | 手を貸してやろう |
패배 - 신장
That's as far as I go... | ここまで…とはな… |
상태창 - 신장
- | ふう… |
If you think some new clothes are gonna motivate me...think again. | 服でもやったらやる気が出ると思ったのか? 残念だったな。 |
*startled noise* I'm up, I'm up. Just resting my eyes. | んん…? おお、ありがとよ。目が覚めたぜ。 |
Seiðjárn is fine by me, as long as the machines do the work. | 魔道科学、結構じゃないか。機械に任せて楽できるんだろ? |
The way they do things in Niðavellir is so strange to me. I just don't get what they're thinking. | ニザヴェリルの連中は、何考えてんだかわからなくて不気味なんだよな。 |
I never expected to survive this long. Truthfully, I like being alive! | こう見えて俺は生きるのが好きでね。…自分でも意外なんだがな。 |
Queen Elincia may be too humble for her own good, but there are worse things to be. | エリンシア女王は随分と腰が低いが、俺は嫌いじゃない。 |
You'd make a good boss. I'd work for you. | あんたはなかなか尽くし甲斐のある、いい主君だと思うぜ。 |
아군 턴 터치 - 신장
I'm listening. | 了解 |
Where to? | どっちだ? |
I guess. | いってくるか… |