마물을 부르는 한숨 하피/대사


My name's Hapi. You summoned me here, but...why? I'm not great at fighting, and I'll avoid it if I can.ハピだよ。どうしてハピを召喚するかな…。最初に言っておくけど戦いは苦手だし嫌いだからね。

You summoned me here to fight, but I don't want to hurt anyone. I guess it can't always be avoided though...召喚されといてなんだけどハピ、戦うの嫌いなんだよね。痛いし、めんどくさいし。
Monsters come running when I let out even the slightest sigh. It's my curse...ハピがため息をつくと魔物がすっ飛んでくるんだよね。魔物を引き寄せやすい体質なんだって。
The church has rules, dogma. They want us all bound to their system so they can control us. I can't stand it.教義だとか教会の決まりごととかそういうのに縛られるのはハピ、苦手なんだよね。
You're wasting your time on me. Talk to Yuri-bird, Coco, or B if you want someone you can rely on.どうせあてにするなら、ハピじゃなくてユリーやコニーやバルトを頼ったほうがいいじゃん?
You really did summon me to another world... Even the stars in the sky are different than the ones above Fódlan.確かに…ここは異界だね。夜空に輝いている星の位置がフォドラとはぜんぜん違うし。

친구 방문

Hi, I'm Hapi. Don't get too close though. I'll just set this gift from your friend [Friend] here.ハピだよ。あんまり近寄らないで。[フレンド]から預かった羽根、ここに置いておくから。

레벨 업

I've come a long way from the young Hapi who left her village so long ago.里を出たときは右も左もわからなかったハピさんはこんなにも成長したのでした。
That's what you get.二度とハピに近づかないで。
You can work and train as hard as you want, but when your time is up, that's that.…頑張ったって死ぬときは死ぬって。


For me? Thanks, I'll keep it.これをハピにくれるの?もう返さないよ?

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm originally from a settlement deep in the forest. The village was hidden well enough that no one bothered us.
But I wasn't satisfied with spending my whole life there, so I left to go experience the world.
Soon after, I was caught by some bad people. Maybe I deserved it for abandoning my village...
A lot happened after that, but the Knights of Seiros eventually found me and sent me to Abyss. Now I'm here.
This is better than the monastery though. The people here seem to care about me, or at least pretend to.
I still don't want to fight, but I'll help out where I can. For you, and for the Order of Heroes.
でも、一生里から出ずに生きるなんて無理じゃん? どーしても外に出たくて飛び出したっていうか。





오의 발동

Better you than me.ハピ、死にたくないし!
Not giving up!諦めないから!
You should run!何で逃げないわけ!?
Don't blame me!死んでも文句言わないでよ!


Not yet...まだ…死にたくない…


So you're the summoner, huh? I'm Hapi.ハピだよ。キミが召喚師? ふーん…
Cut that out.きゃっ!? 何すんの? 悪趣味だし。
People keep their distance from me. It's easier that way.ハピがいるとみんな逃げてくの。別にいいけどさ。
I don't have good memories of the church.ハピはさ、教団にいい思い出ないんだよねー。
Loss can lead to despair. But that's OK. You don't have to be strong all the time.何か失うたび絶望してたら大変だし。諦めちゃうのもいーじゃん?
The kind of world I want doesn't exist.ハピが望むものなんて、この世界にはないのかもね。
You're special. I just hope that doesn't get you into trouble.キミも特別だし、いろいろ巻き込まれないといーけど。もう手遅れっぽい?

아군 턴 터치

All right.いいよ
Still here.こっち?

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