그림자의 용사 하켄/대사


I am Harken, a knight of Pherae. I am at your service.私はフェレ騎士のハーケン。これからよろしくお願いします。

My recklessness caused so much suffering... I will endure whatever punishment I receive.すべては、私の未熟が招いたこと。どのような罰も受けるつもりです。
We were annihilated before Nergal's magic. I vowed to strike his lot down for what they did...あの男の魔術によって我々フェレ騎士団は壊滅しました。せめて、奴らに一矢報いようと、私は……
Hm... As I expected. Summoner, you appear to be holding much tension in your shoulders.
Shall I share some stretches with you that might alleviate it?
Lord Elbert encouraged me to polish my skills, knowledge, and character to become worthy of being a general.
There is much I could learn from your leadership.
Supporting Lord Eliwood is the best thing I can do for Pherae. I hope it also puts Lord Elbert's spirit at ease.フェレのために私が今できることは、エリウッド様をお支えし、エルバート様にご安心いただくことです。

친구 방문

It is my sincere hope that you maintain friendly relations with [Friend].[召喚師]殿と[フレンド]殿の友好が平和に続くことを願います。

레벨 업

I offer my life in service to my lost master, Lord Elbert, as well as his son, Lord Eliwood.亡き主君エルバート様と、エリウッド様のために……我が身命を捧げる。
I bear no grudge against our enemies. My reasons for fighting are my own.君たちに恨みはないが……私にも戦う理由がある。
I am a knight of Pherae. I fight in a way befitting my station.私はフェレ騎士だ。騎士にふさわしい戦いをする。


You have my gratitude.あなたに感謝を。

5성 40레벨 달성

My technique is not that of a typical knight. It has been forged through countless vicious battles.
Perhaps it is closer to a style one might expect from a member of the Black Fang.
I carried out the bloody orders of my previous lord without question. But Lord Elbert welcomed me anyway...
He acknowledged my strength and placed his faith in me. I swore I would repay his kindness. And yet...
I failed to protect him in the end.
I became determined to avenge him, even at the cost of my life. It seemed like the least I could do.
To live on in disgrace while my lord perished... The regret nearly crushed my heart.
But Lord Eliwood brought me to my senses. I'd been saved by House Pherae not once, but twice.
That is why I fight for my lord. I will remain by his side through Pherae's conflicts, until my dying breath.





오의 발동

I've nothing against you.恨みはないが…
Forgive me.許してくれ
I fight for my lord!我が主君の為に!
One life for many!一人でも多く…!


I've died before...一度は死んだ身…


I am Harken. I beg your forbearance.ハーケンと申します。以後お見知りおきを。
Oh! Yes? Did you need something?…!? やあ、驚きました。私に用ですか?
I would rather die a knight than live in shame.生き恥をさらすより、私は騎士としての誇りを選びます。
When Lord Elbert was taken away, I was...powerless.エルバート様が連れ去られるのを、私は…どうすることもできず…
My life is Lord Eliwood's. May it serve him better than it served his father.この命は亡き主君と、エリウッド様の為に…
Isadora, I have given you much reason to worry... Please forgive me.イサドラ…。辛い思いをさせてしまった。どうか、私を許してくれ。
I care not where I meet death. Just guide me wisely.どのような死地もいといません。ご命令を。

아군 턴 터치

By your command.承知しました
Awaiting orders.ご指示を
I go.参ります

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