국경없는 기사 히스/대사


I'm Heath, a mercenary. And this is my wyvern partner, Hyperion.俺の名はヒース。今は傭兵をしている。こいつは相棒のハイペリオンだ。

I'm a soldier...but I'm a man of honor first. I have no problem using force. But never against my countrymen.俺は騎士だ……軍人なんだ。人を傷つけることにためらいはない。だが、民に向ける刃は持っていない。
When I fled Bern, it was in a sad state...our king jumping at shadows, his underlings vying for influence...俺がいた頃のベルンはひどいありさまでな…王は疑心暗鬼によって心ある者を遠ざけ、無能な取り巻きが好き勝手していたよ。
If you need a scout, I'm your man. Hyperion and I can swoop in behind enemy lines anytime—no sweat!偵察任務なら、俺が行こう。相棒のハイペリオンとひとっ飛びして敵陣の奥深くでも見てきてやる!
Hey, I've been meaning to ask you... Is Askr...recruiting?[召喚師]……この国は兵士の募集はしていないのか?
Gonna grab my partner some grub! Hyperion needs to be fed... But don't worry—even hungry, he's a big softie.相棒にメシを持っていくとこなんだ。ああ、ハイペリオンのことだよ。いかついけど、人懐っこいんだぜ。

친구 방문

I'm Heath. I come bearing a personal message from the summoner I serve, your friend [Friend].私は[フレンド]の騎士、ヒース。親書を預かっております。

레벨 업

Yes! Nothing can stop us! Fly, Hyperion!そうだ、この感覚だ……行くぜ、ハイペリオン!今の俺たちに敵は無い!
Any wyvern rider would be proud of such growth. Even the most famed of my foes will stand no chance!これでもれっきとした竜騎士だ。名の有る敵でも後れは取らないぜ。
Ugh. With results like this, I should steer clear of the commander... The disappointment would be too much.こんなんじゃ、隊長に顔向けできないな…


Oh. This is for me? Thank you! I'll have you know, I always repay my debts. So, look forward to that!これを俺に……ありがとう。受けた恩は返すのが俺の流儀だ。期待していてくれ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Phew! The work's not easy, but it's worth doing. Plus, you've been fair to me. Makes me, well...glad we met.
Many so-called leaders treat their men like stepping stones, doing anything to win... It's shameful.
I am a proud wyvern rider of Bern. Even forced to abandon my home, I will never abandon my ideals.
You follow the path that you believe is right, one that leads to putting the needs of others before your own.
There's no greater honor than serving such a leader. Finally, I've found one marking a path I want to follow.





오의 발동

Fly, Hyperion!飛べ、ハイペリオン!
My lance'll do it.この槍をもって!
Well, look at you.不躾だな
You stop here!俺が止める!


An honorable death...あんたの…ためなら…


Name's Heath. The wyvern's Hyperion. We'll have your back if you have ours.俺はヒース。相棒の飛竜はハイペリオンだ。よろしく頼む。
Who—?! ...Oh, it's you.!? 何者だ? …ってあんたか。驚かさないでくれ。
I refuse to live a life that brings me shame.俺は…竜騎士としての己に恥じぬ生き方を選んだだけだ。
Back when I served as a wyvern rider of Bern, our captain was a true soldier...ベルン竜騎士団にいた頃の隊長は、本当にすさまじい人だったよ。
I'm at a loss. I have no idea what that Legault guy wants with me.ラガルトのやつ、何かと俺に絡んできやがる。何を考えてるんだ…?
Bern is nothing to me... I have no love for any country that slaughters its own.俺は今のベルンを…国王を信じることができない。
I have finally met a master to whom I can swear my true loyalty. It's you.あんたみたいな心から信じられる相手に出会えて、俺は幸せだ。

아군 턴 터치

No problem.構わない。
You sure?本気か?
Leave it to me.任せてくれ。

캐릭터 페이지로