위대한 중기사 헥토르/대사


I'm Hector, marquess of Ostia. I was wondering why I was called here, but...
Well, if you have some foes that need routing, I have just the lance for the job.

Uther... I wish I could have been at your side to aid you, Brother...兄上…俺は、兄上の隣に立って、助けになりたかった…
This here is the freezing lance Maltet. Just like Armads, it's counted among the legendary weapons of Elibe.
That said, wielding it is quite different from wielding an axe...
Don't get too close. One wrong step and this heavy armor could crush you flat. Hahaha! I'm only joking, friend!
Do be careful around me, though...
Daily training is essential if you want to move around in heavy armor like this. Care to join me?
Once you get used to being sore all the time, it's actually quite fun!
Hey, what's with that strange look you're giving me? Oh, this? It's just a book.
What?! Aw, come on. I read! A lord has to have some refinement!

친구 방문

I'm Hector, marquess of Ostia. And I've brought you a message from [Friend].俺はヘクトル。[フレンド]の挨拶を持ってきたぜ。

레벨 업

Heh, I couldn't lose right now if I tried!今の俺は誰にも負ける気がしねえ!
I think I'm finally getting the hang of this lance.この槍の扱いにもずいぶんと慣れてきたな。
Ugh... This armor sure is heavy...ちくしょう、鎧が重いぜ…


Oho! Thanks, friend! I'll pay you back like I always do—on the battlefield!おう、ありがとよ。礼はいつもの通り、戦場でな。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, let me ask you a question... What qualities do you suppose are most important for a ruler to have?
I've been thinking about this since I succeeded the throne. And aside from bravery, I'm at a total loss...
The respect of the people, you say? Hm... Without the backing of the people, one isn't qualified to rule...
Yes, I think that makes good sense.
However, respect is not something you can see with your eyes.
Huh? Seeing isn't always believing? There you go again, doling out wisdom faster than I can keep up!
Well, if that's the expectation set for me as a ruler, then I'll just have to meet it.
For those who have put their faith in me...and for my brother.





오의 발동

Prepare to die!手加減はしねえ!
Clear a path!道を開けろ!
Your luck's run out!運がなかったな
Pierce the sky, Maltet!マルテ!


Uther... I...兄上……俺は……


This here is heavy armor from House Ostia. And let me tell you, they don't call it "heavy" for nothing!こいつはオスティア侯爵家の重装鎧だ。すげー重いぜ。
Who was that? This bulky armor makes it so hard to move. Normally I'm lighter on my feet, I swear!うおっ!? こいつを着てるといつも通り動けねえ…
Get this. "For generations, Corrupt neither the body nor the mind has been the dominant ideology of Ostia."先祖代々、勤倹尚武(きんけんしょうぶ)がオスティアの理念だ。
My brother Uther was the marquess of Ostia. He was a great man... Someone you could truly respect.俺の兄はオスティア侯ウーゼル。心から尊敬できる男だった。
My dream was to one day grow wiser so I could sit at my brother's side and aid him.いつか兄上の片腕となって助ける…それが俺の望みだった…
I never asked it of him, but... Even on the verge of death, he watched over me.頼んでもいねえのに…死ぬ間際まで、俺なんかのこと心配しやがって…
You're not dying while I'm around. Not a chance.お前は絶対、死なせたりしねーからな。

아군 턴 터치

I'm up next!さて、と
One step at a time.一歩一歩だ
I've just gotta be me, you know?

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Frozen solid!凍らせるぜ!
I'll shatter you!砕けて散れ!
Scared stiff?これでどうだ!
Make way!どいてもらうぜ!

패배 - 신장

Damn, that's cold...くそ…寒いな…

상태창 - 신장

I understand this gear comes from a country called Nifl. Suits me, don't you think?ニフルって国の衣装だそうだ。どうだ似合うか?
Whoa! If you're looking for a fight, you're out of your league, my friend.うおっ!? おいおい、ケンカ売るには相手が悪いぜ。
Realm of ice, huh? No thanks. Sounds a little cold for me.氷の国? 聞くからに寒そうだなあ。俺は遠慮するぜ。
The Nifl siblings are...quite the family. Talkative bunch.ニフルの連中はいっつも兄妹でキャッキャしてるよな。
Ah, I never lack for a sparring partner in this castle. It's amazing!この城は手合わせの相手に苦労しなくて最高だな!
If you see Lyn or Eliwood, I'd prefer you not mention I'm wearing this outfit...エリウッドとリンには見られたくねえな…なんとなく…
We've known each other for some time now, haven't we? I'm glad to fight by your side.お前との付き合いも長くなってきたな。これからも仲良くやろうぜ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Consider it done.承知した
What's the plan?どうする?
At a brisk pace!よっしゃ!

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