오스티아의 용장 헥토르/대사


I'm Hector, from a realm called Ostia. But I'm not its ruler. My brother, Uther, is marquess at the moment.俺はヘクトル。オスティア侯ウーゼルの弟だ。

Fine castle you have here. It's not really my thing to stay cooped up all day though. Let's get to battling!大層な城だが…俺は引きこもってんのは性に合わねえ。とっとと出撃しようぜ!
The name of my axe is Armads. It was once wielded by a legendary berserker, you know.
Once had a chance to meet the man, believe it or not. He's one dangerous-looking fellow.
One of my best friends goes by the name of Eliwood. We spar for fun. He even wins half the time!エリウッドは大事な親友だ。あいつとの手合わせは今のところ五分五分ってとこだな。
I'm really bored. How about we spar for a while? Don't worry. I'll go easy on you, friend!よう! 暇だし、いっちょ手合わせしてみるか?心配すんな、手加減はしてやる!
Someone once told me that knights should stand their ground, but that's really just not my style.重騎士は動かぬもの…なんて言われても、俺のガラじゃあねえな。

친구 방문

I'm Hector. You must be [Summoner].
I've come to say hello—sent over by [Friend], in fact!

레벨 업

Whoa! Now that's how to do it!うおおっ…!これが俺の真の力か!
Good enough. Now if I can only keep this up.よし、いい感じだな。この調子で行くぜ!
Bah! I'll lose to Eliwood if I can't do better.ちっ…こんなことじゃエリウッドに負けちまうぜ…


Now I'll show you what Hector of Ostia is all about!オスティア侯弟ここにありと、見せつけてやるぜ!

5성 40레벨 달성

I'm no poet, friend, so bear with me here. I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words.
But before I joined you, I thought that as long as I just kept on swinging in battle...
I'd always come out on top and bring everyone back from battle, safe and sound.
Then I noticed how you, as tactician, see the line between life and death like no one else.
Not sure why, but that hit me hard. Anyway, know that I've got your back—long as you've got mine.




Better than I thought!やるじゃねえか…!

오의 발동

I don't back down!俺は退かねえ!
Gutsy, aren't you?いい度胸だ
Enough chitchat!問答無用だ!
Here we go!行くぜ!


Not here!くそっ! こんなところで…


You need me for something, friend?俺に用ってか?
Oho! Feels like you're ready to head out. Me too!おわっ、なんだ? やる気か!?
Push your limits—that's what I say. But don't burn yourself out.あんまり無理はすんじゃねえぞ
How about we spar a bit? What say you?いっちょ俺と手合せしてみるか?
I know we're all in it together. Just letting you know: I'm ALL in.お前の力、俺に貸せ
So...I'm going to die on the battlefield...…俺の死に場所は、戦場…か
I'd better keep an eye on you. Trouble abounds in battle.なんかほっとけねえな、お前は

아군 턴 터치

All right!いっちょやるか!
On it!任せな!

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Ashes and dust!燃やしてやる!
Hot enough for you?やけどするぜ
You're playing with fire!気がすんだか?
Fuel for the flames!俺の炎よ…!

패배 - 신장

Guess I'm...burned out...燃え尽き…ちまった…

상태창 - 신장

These clothes are from a place called Múspell. Is it really hot there—or is it just me?こいつはムスペル王国ってとこの衣装らしい。変じゃねえか?
I know I'm striking, but keep your hands to yourself.うわっ…!? くそっ、油断しちまった。
Múspell seems like a rough and tumble place. Pretty sure I'd fit right in.ムスペルの奴らは荒っぽいのが多いな。気が合いそうだぜ。
Eliwood? Where are you? I've got to see your reaction to this outfit!エリウッド! どこだ? 俺の雄姿を見て感想を聞かせてくれ。
I'm a function over form kind of man, but honestly...I could get used to this.着るものなんて構ったこともなかったが、案外いいもんだな。
Even the most intimidating look won't be enough on its own. Always train hard.よし!見かけ倒しなんて言われねえように、いっちょ鍛錬してくるぜ!
The fashion may be fiery, but I'm still as solid as a rock. And I've got your back.衣装も変わって心機一転! お前は俺が守ってやるぜ。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Whatever you need.了解!
Where to?こっちか
I'm all fired up.腕がなるぜ

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