강철의 장정 헥토르/대사


No need to be formal. Name's Hector, and I'll take care of what needs taking care of.堅苦しい挨拶は抜きだ。俺はヘクトル!力になるぜ!

Eliwood hatched a plan to search for his father, but he didn't even come to me for help. Really, Eliwood?エリウッドのやつ、水くさいんだよ。失踪した親父さんたちの行方を捜すなら俺にも一声かけろって。
My brother is no fool. We all hear what he tells people, but he knows what I'm up to, make no mistake.兄上は、そんなにやわな男じゃねーよ。表向きはなんだかんだ言ってたが…俺がどう動くかくらい、承知の上さ。
You know, now that I think about it...I suspect Eliwood got himself mixed up in that succession dispute in Caelin.そういや一年前のあれ、キアラン領の相続争いにはエリウッドも一役買ったって聞いたぜ。
Ostia is crawling with spies. Our neighbors want to know just how competent Uther will turn out to be.今、オスティアには各国の密偵がわんさか来ているのさ。新侯爵の手腕をはかろうってな。
Oh, we have spies too. I'd say the most competent in Ostia is Leila, no contest!うちの「密偵」の中でも一、二を争う実力者といえばレイラだろうな。

친구 방문

Eliwood and I are thick as thieves— like you and [Friend]!お前が[召喚師]だな。俺とエリウッドみたいに、[フレンド]と仲良くな。

레벨 업

This is a battlefield. If you don't want to die, then you'd better run.ここは戦場だぜ。死にたくなかったら、早く逃げるこったな!
No time to talk—I have to mop up some ne'er-do-wells.話は後だ!まずは、こいつらを片づけちまおうぜ。
Don't sweat the small stuff!まっ、細かいことは気にすんな。


Oho! High expectations, I see!そうか、そうか。俺に期待しているってことだな!

5성 40레벨 달성

Eliwood and I have been bound since we were kids. We even swore a warrior's oath.
We cut the palms of our hands and pressed them together, mingling our blood.
We vowed that if either of us was in danger, the other would stake his life. That day, we became men.
And now Eliwood's father, Lord Elbert, has gone missing. This is serious.
Problem is, I can't mobilize Ostia's army. My brother must be chafing at that too. He looks up to Elbert.
All this is to say that I'm going to help on my own—unofficially speaking.
I don't know who's responsible. Be it the Black Fang or not, I give you my word I'll crush them!





오의 발동

I won't hold back!手加減なしだぜ!
Bring it on!勝負だ!
I can't lose!俺は負けねえ!
For Eliwood!あいつのためにも…!


I failed you...すまねえ…な…


Oh ho...へへ…
This outfit matches his. Do we need to dress exactly the same?なんだかあいつとお揃いみたいで気恥ずかしいな…
Whoa! Do you need something to keep you occupied?おわっ!? お前なあ、ヒマなのか?
Eliwood is not built as sturdy as I am. I hope he doesn't do anything reckless.エリウッドはあんまり丈夫な方じゃねえ。無茶をしないといいが。
Is there no one willing to spar with me?さあて、俺と手合わせしたい奴はいねえか?
I will always rush to his aid, even when I am a feeble old man.ヨボヨボのじーさんになっても、あいつの危機には駆けつけるぜ。
Eliwood. If you die before me, I will never forgive you!エリウッド…俺より先に死んだら絶対に許さねえからな!!
I am close to Eliwood because we share the same worldview. My friendship with you is growing for the same reasons, Summoner.生涯志を同じくする友か…。お前ももう似たようなもんだな。

아군 턴 터치

I see.なるほど
Point the way!指示をくれ
There they are!おでましだ!

캐릭터 페이지로