친구와의 맹세 헥토르/대사


My name is Hector. I'm no child, so don't treat me like one. I'll take on any challenger!俺はヘクトル。ガキ扱いはしないでくれよ、力なら大人にだって負ける気はないぜ。

Ostia, and all Lycia, will one day be peaceful—with all as equals. That's my brother's dream, and mine.いつの日かオスティアとリキアを、平和で差別のない住みやすい場所に。兄上の願いを、俺も手伝うんだ。
"Corrupt neither the body nor the mind." That's the Ostian motto! It's just how we do things.貴族も領民も、無駄なゼイタクをせず!精神と体をダラクさせるな!それがオスティアの理念ってやつだぜ。
I've got to get stronger—and wiser. One day, I'll be my brother's right hand.俺は早く一人前になりたい。兄上の片腕として戦うんだ。
Ugh. Reading is so tiresome... Why do I bother? Uther and Oswin have brains enough for me as well.あーあ、本読みなんてかったるいぜ。頭仕事は兄上やオズインがいるんだ、俺の出る幕じゃねえと思うんだがな……
I can't seem to get to sleep. Take a walk around the castle and clear my head—that's what I'll do.じっと寝てらんねえ。城のまわりを散歩してくるぜ。

친구 방문

I am Hector of Ostia! Your boon companion sent me over to say a little hello. So, hello!俺はオスティアのヘクトル![フレンド]の挨拶を持ってきたぜ。

레벨 업

How do you like that? As I told you— I'm no child!どうだ!俺をガキ扱いすんなって言っただろ!!
I'm always ready. Anytime, anywhere!いつでも相手になってやるぜ!


Hah! That's the stuff. Keep it coming! I'll take 'em all on!ハハハハ、よおし!なんでも持ってきやがれ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Lycia is not governed by a single ruler. It is an alliance of lords, and what matters most is trust.
Least, that's how I remember Uther putting it. They must have felt that the kids needed to know it too...
Because they gathered us up and dumped us in a room while they were hashing things out.
Erik of Laus tried to sweet-talk us into, well, something or other, but it was just a lot of hot air.
As he was finishing up, I recalled the old custom of the warriors' blood oath, sealed by clasping cut hands.
The only one with the guts to take my hand was Eliwood of Pherae. And I feared he lacked the stomach for it!
He certainly changed my view. We spoke frankly about so much. His family, and my brother Uther...
We shared our visions for the future. One day, he'll be marquess, and I'll take my place at Uther's side.
If either of them needs me, I will be there. Together, we will bring Lycia into a new age!





오의 발동

Outta my way!どけーっ!
Me, lose? Pah!負けねえからな!
Just like Uther!兄上みたいに…!
Just you wait!強くなってやる!


I'm sorry, Uther...すまねえ…兄上…


I'm Hector. My brother, Uther, is the marquess of Ostia!俺はヘクトル! オスティア侯ウーゼルの弟だ。
D'oho! You surprised me this time, but don't expect to get the drop on me again!うわぁっ!? くそっ、次は絶対おどろかねえからな!
Are you free? I am itching to get some training in!なあ、お前ヒマか? 俺と手合わせしようぜ!
Eliwood's a close friend. He's also my rival. I like that he doesn't hold back.エリウッドは俺の親友でライバルだ。真面目ないいヤツだぜ。
Order of Heroes? Gates to other worlds? Are these things I should know about? I'm not big on studying, sorry… Why don't we spar!と…特務機関? 異界の扉? 悪い。俺、勉強はちょっと…
I'm not just getting big and strong for me. I want to help out my brother!早く大きくなって、兄上を助けられる男になるんだ…!
You're an odd duck, but that keeps things interesting. I like it!お前、変わってるけど面白いな。気に入ったぜ。

아군 턴 터치

You got it!わかった!
This way, right?どっちだよ?
I've got this!やってやる!

캐릭터 페이지로