죽음의 왕 헬/대사
I am Hel. I rule the realm of the dead. You cannot fight death, so you would do well to accept your fate... | 我が名はヘル。死の王国を統べるもの。死は誰にも抗えぬ。貴様も運命を受け入れるがいい。 |
How tasteless... That, in your hand. Is that the weapon that undid me? | 忌まわしい…お前がその手に持つのは、私を滅ぼしたあの武器か… |
I draw strength from death. Pain and despair sing to me. All the world will join the chorus of the dead... | 死こそが我が力の源…苦痛と絶望を響かせよ。亡者の群れで大地を満たすのだ… |
Eir's countless lives have dwindled all the way down to the very last one. My power thrums with their number. | エイルが持っていた無数の命はあとひとつしか残っていない。すべて、私の力となったのだ… |
I am death. Your reason and meaning are nothing to me. | 私は死だ。死に理由などない。死に意味などない… |
All who oppose me will feel the fear of death etched into their marrow as they join the cohort of the dead... | 私に刃向かう者には…死の恐怖を骨の髄まで刻み込み亡者へと変えてやろう… |
친구 방문
The hour of your death draws nearer. | 我が名はヘル。[フレンド]の城より来た。お前の命は、あと… |
레벨 업
I will deliver suffering and death to this world. | 幾多の苦痛をもってこの地を死者で満たしてやろう。 |
No time to think in the face of death. It is meaningless... | 死を前にしてなにをしようと無駄なこと… |
You are cursed. | 呪う…死の王ヘルの名において… |
The time of the dead is upon us... | 時は満ちた。死者の帳尻を合わせよ… |
5성 40레벨 달성
No matter what you might accomplish in life, all living beings have the cold realm of the dead waiting for them. Nobody can run from death. As soon as life is granted, the hourglass's sands begin to fall away... Someday, death will swallow even you, and the memory of your deeds, your whole existence, will fade away. Knowing that...you continue. You persist. Without hesitation, you struggle against destiny. I will stay to watch you struggle... Until that moment your body goes limp and cold, I will watch, waiting. | どのような栄達を遂げようとも生ある者を待ち受けるは時が凍えた冷たき死の世界。 死からは誰も逃れることはできぬ。命がはじまったその時から砂時計は落ち続けるのだ。 [召喚師]…お前もいつか死に飲まれ存在は忘却の彼方に沈むだろう。 それでもお前は…迷わずに歩を踏み出せるのか?前を向けるというのか? 見届けてやろう、お前の時が凍える瞬間を。その日まで…お前がどう足掻くかを。 |
ふ… | |
Death! | 死だ |
ああっ! | |
抗うのか… |
오의 발동
Accept your death. | 死を受け入れよ |
Death comes for all. | 死には抗えぬ |
Death is absolute. | 死は絶対 |
I am death itself. | 私は、死だ |
Can I die? | 私は…死ねるのか…? |
ふふ… | |
I am Hel, and I rule over death. Every death, and the realm of the dead. | 私は死の王ヘル…死の世界を統べるもの |
Hmm? Are you asking something of me? | …? 今、私に何をしようとしたのだ…? |
Above all else, I would see all of the living join the ranks of the dead. | すべての生者を死者とする…それが我が望み |
All will die. None can deny the truth of that. | 人は皆、いつか死ぬ…それは決して抗えぬ普遍の真理 |
There is an imbalance between the living and the dead. We must bring equilibrium. | 死者の数の帳尻を合わせよ |
Hmmm. I can see what remains of your life. | ふむ…なるほど…お前の命はあと… |
Do you hope to grasp death, to control it? You? | お前という人間は…死さえも支配しようというのか…? |
아군 턴 터치
Ah. Yes. | ああ |
A good day to die. | 死ぬにはよい日だ |
Death comes. | 死を告げよう |