지옥의 바닥의 헬빈디/대사


I'm Helbindi, a general from Múspell. This is a joke, right? The only place I'm headed is hell.ムスペルの将ヘルビンディだ。おい…こいつは何の間違いだ?俺の行先は地獄に決まってんだろーが。

This place is heaven compared to the filth pile I come from. That's where I belong, though.俺のクソみてーな故郷に比べりゃ、ここはまるで天国だな。だが、俺にはクソ故郷がお似合いだ。
I came from dirt—just another piece of filth with nothing. My strength is all I have.俺はクソみてーな下層の生まれだ。地位も金もねーゴミクズだ。なら、力しかねーだろうが。
You think you want to hear about why I fight, do you? Don't waste my time with stupid questions.俺が何のために戦うか、だ?んなクソどーでもいいこといちいち聞いてんじゃねーぞ。
Is that brat Ylgr here? ...No, forget it.あのユルグってクソガキもここにいんのか?…どっちだろうとどーでも良いがな。
If a girl called Menja shows up... No, never damn mind. Forget I said anything.なあ、もしメニヤって女がここに来たら俺に…あークソっ!やっぱりなんでもねえ!

친구 방문

You want to know what I'm doing here? What makes you think you can ask me questions?
Not too bright, are you, [Summoner]...
あ? 何の用か、だ?なんでんなこと言わなきゃならねーんだよ。ちっ、[フレンド]の野郎…

레벨 업

Power! If you get your hands on some power, you can have it all!力だ!力がありゃ地位も金も…!
Ha! There it is!はっ!ざまあみやがれ!
Damn it. Damn it all!クソっ! クソっ! クソっ!


Thanks. ...What? You got a problem with gratitude?礼を言うぜ。…あ? 俺が礼言ったらおかしいってか!?

5성 40레벨 달성

Here it comes. You want to know why I follow you, right? Stupid question.
It's not like it's easy for me, either. I've put plenty of people just like you in the ground.
It's simple. Even a beast will wag his tail and show his belly when somebody strong shows up.
Surtr could have killed me, no problem. You, though... I'm more afraid of what you can do.
I don't mean your trick of summoning warriors. There's just something about you...I can't put my finger on.
I've got this feeling that some day you're going to...do something.
Just so we're clear, I'm not your pal, and I'm not your pet. You're strong, so I follow you.
Don't you forget it.
あ? なんで俺がてめーに従ってんのか、だ?


Get dying!死ねやっ!



오의 발동

Just die.ぶっ倒れろ!
Out of my way, filth.うっとうしいぞゴミが!
Enough of you!ブチ切れたぜ…!


Nothing but filth……ゴミみてえな…最期だ…な……


The name's Helbindi! Remember it.ヘルビンディだ! 俺の名をよくおぼえとけ!
What're you looking at? Got a death wish?何見てんだてめー殺すぞ?
This is a joke. Me, serve somebody like you?ありえねー…なんで俺がてめーなんぞの配下に…
Why do I fight? Does it matter? No. It doesn't.俺が何のために戦うか? んなこたどーでもいいだろうが。
Why're you spending time with filth like me?俺みてーなクズに、なんでつきまとう?
Money. If I had money, I... I could do what I need to do.金だ…金さえあれば…あいつを…
I'll never apologize. But I can listen to what you have to say.罪滅ぼしなんざする気はねーが、てめーの言うことは聞いてやる。

아군 턴 터치

Dead meat.ぶち殺すぞ

캐릭터 페이지로