저주의 알은 비밀색 헨리/대사


I'm Henry, a dark mage. You sure you want to invite me to this festival? Who knows what I might do... Hah!呪術師のヘンリーだよ~。僕をこんな楽しそうなお祭りに呼ぶなんてどうなっても知らないよ~?

Curious about what's in these eggs? You should be! I placed a real special curse on them. You'll love it!僕が持ってる卵、気になるでしょ~?とっておきの呪いをかけておいたからきっと楽しんでもらえると思うよ~。
I couldn't really celebrate like this in Plegia. I mean, if you let your guard down there, you might get cursed!ペレジアにいた頃は、こんなのんきにお祭りする余裕なんてなかったよ~。気を抜くと呪い殺されちゃうからね~。
Huh? Tharja's taking part in the spring festival too? And here I thought she didn't like socializing.あれぇ? サーリャも春祭りに参加してたんだ~。こういう催しには興味ないって思ってたよ~。
Isn't the weather lovely? You know what else would be lovely? Me putting a sleeping curse on you.
Hear me out! You'd be able to snooze in the sun forever!
I bet General Mustafa would get a real kick out of seeing me in this. He might even give me treats again...そうだ、この装束ムスタファー将軍に見せてこようかな?またお菓子をもらえるかもしれないし~。

친구 방문

Nothing says "spring is here" like a curse to make you cheerful from your friend [Friend].スプリングハズカムなんだって~。[フレンド]から陽気になっちゃう呪いを届けにきたよ~。

레벨 업

Hippity-hop, hippity-hop! When the curses start, they never stop!ぴょんぴょん跳ねちゃう呪いをかけてあげるね~。
Just because I'm dressed all cute and fluffy doesn't mean I won't curse you!眠気は覚めたかな~?もうちょっと痛くしたほうがよかった?
Hmm. Maybe I'm not really cut out for this season...うーん、この季節とは相性が悪いのかな~。


I wish I had a curse that would make spring last forever.ずっと春が続く呪いがあればいいのにな~。

5성 40레벨 달성

You know, I've never really been interested in the spring until now, but this could be a lot of fun!
Everyone's let their guard down because of the warm weather. It'll be so easy to curse them!
Or, wait...is the reason I'm dressed like this because someone put a curse on ME?
Well, I guess that's OK. Because it actually feels pretty great to be this fluffy.
I know! How about I put a curse on you? Then you can go hippity-hop all through town!
I'm sure it will be unforgettable. Who knows? You may even end up getting addicted to the floof!
あれぇ? もしかして…僕がこんな格好をしているのも誰かに呪いをかけられたからかな~?
そうだ、どうせなら君にもかけてあげようか? ぴょーんと跳ねながら、町中を走り回る呪い!





오의 발동

Spring is here!春だよー!
What shall I do with you?いじめちゃおっかな~
Hop! Hop!ぴょんぴょーん!


Whaaat? No....あれえ…? おかしいなあ…


The spring festival sure is fun. Thanks for inviting me!春祭り、楽しいね~。誘ってくれてありがとう~。
Ooo, you got me! Nice one—you'll pay for that later!わあ! びっくりしたなあ~。お返しに呪っちゃうよ~?
Most of my friends are crows. Not the right crowd for this festival, I think.僕の友達はカラスなんだけど、このお祭りには似合わないね~。
Bunnies are so fluffy!ウサギって、フワフワしてて気持ちいいね~。
I never wear such cute colors. How do they look on me?こんなに可愛い色の衣装、初めてだよ~。似合うかな~?
So things can be fun even without anyone dying? Huh.人が死ななくても、楽しいことってあるんだね~
Bunny ears are a lot of fun. You should give them a try!君はウサギの耳はつけないの? 似合いそうなのに~

아군 턴 터치

I'm off!いくね~
Let's get hopping.ぴょーん!

캐릭터 페이지로