힘이 되어 줄까요! 힐다/대사
If you really need my help, I'm willing to put a little work in. Just enough to meet your expectations, obviously. | あたしの力が必要?なら、少しは期待に応えてあげますか!今日のヒルダちゃんは一味違うよー? |
It seems like there are lots of people around ready to fight. Maybe I can just hang back and cheer them on... | ここの人たちには、戦いたがりが多いっていうか…やっぱり応援してればいいのかなってなるよね。 |
Claude works so hard at pushing me and others to be our best. I figured I'd save him the trouble for once. | いつもみんなを引っ張ってくれるクロードくんが大変そうだから、あたしも頑張らなきゃなーって思ったのよ。 |
Hey, what are you up to? I'm hungry. Want to get a bite to eat with me? | こんなとこで何してるの?あたしは、ちょっとお腹が空いちゃって。一緒に食べに行くー? |
I got my hands on materials to make some new fashion accessories. Any requests? | 良い素材が手に入ったから、新しい装飾品を作ろうかなって。あなたにも作ってあげよっかー? |
If you knew me a couple years ago, you'd be shocked by how motivated I am now. | もし昔のあたしと出会ったら、ひっくり返られちゃいそうね。何でそんなにやる気出してるのー?って。 |
친구 방문
You're [Summoner], right? Today's your lucky day! I'm here with a message for you. | [召喚師]さまかな?あなたのヒルダちゃんが手紙を届けに参りましたよー? |
레벨 업
Yeah, yeah. I know I'm great. | うんうん、良い調子みたいねー。 |
I'm pretty happy with this. | 今は自分の成長が嬉しいかも。 |
Aww, just when I was getting excited. | えー、折角やる気出てるのになー。 |
With this, I'll be even more useful. | 今のあたしなら、役立てられるかもー。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
You haven't somehow gotten it into your head that I'm a hard worker, have you, [Summoner]? I'd hate for people around here to get that idea just because I've been doing a little more than usual lately. I try not to work too hard, because the harder you work, the more people expect from you. For you, though...I wouldn't mind putting a little more effort in. I'd like to be useful to you. But that doesn't mean you get to expect it of me all the time, OK? You have to promise! | ねー、[召喚師]さん?あたしのこと、もしかして頑張り屋だとか思ってないよね? ちょっとやる気を出しただけで、そんなふうに思われちゃうの、ほんっと困るんだよねー。 誰かに期待されるのが重いから、普段はできるだけ頑張らないように気をつけてたわけでー。 でも、特別にあなたのためにだけは、もう少しだけ頑張ってあげてもいいかなー。役に立ちたいし。 あ、だからって、過大評価はなしで!あたしにはなーんにも期待しないでね。わかった? 約束だよー? |
- | せえいっ! |
- | えやーっ! |
- | きゃあっ |
- | そんなあっ |
오의 발동
Now I'm mad! | ヒルダちゃん、怒っちゃうよ! |
Want to see what I've got? | 本気、見せちゃうよー? |
Out you go! | しつこいってば! |
Here's the finisher! | とどめの一撃! |
Tried too hard... | うう…頑張りすぎたかも… |
- | ふふふっ |
Do you want me to cheer you on? | あたしに応援してほしいのかなー? |
Hey! Cut it out! | ひゃっ! 驚かせないでよね、もー |
Ohh! You have an interest in fashion? Come and have a little chat with me! | お洒落に興味ある? ならこっち来て、ほら |
I may be a delicate flower, but when I need to, I can get things done. | か弱い乙女だって、やる時はやるのよ |
I suppose I should train a little every now and then! | たまには訓練もしないとねー |
Hm... What will I do if Holst shows up? | 兄さんがすっ飛んできたらどうしよう… |
So, are you going to say you want me to protect you now? | あなたもあたしに守ってほしいとか言っちゃうのー? |
아군 턴 터치
Better get going! | しょうがないなー |
What is it? | なになに? |
I'm off! | 行くよ! |