홍색의 투희 히노카/대사


I'm Princess Hinoka of Hoshido. I have a reputation as a warrior princess. So, happy to hit the battlefield for you!白夜王国第一の王女、ヒノカだ!民たちからは戦姫と呼ばれることもある。必要とされたからには、力になろう。

Whew! Enough training for today. Need to stay in top shape to keep everyone I hold dear totally safe.ふうっ、訓練はこのぐらいでいいか。どんな世界にいたとしても…私はこの手できょうだいたちや皆を守ってみせる。
My retainers, Azama and Setsuna, might not seem like they're all that on task. But I can totally count on them!私にはアサマとセツナという臣下がいる。およそ忠臣とは呼べない言動の者たちだが…いざという時は頼りになるし、信用している。
I appreciate how hard you work here, but pace yourself. People would be very sad if you got hurt somehow.よく働くのは感心だが、ほどほどにな?見たところ、お前はこの軍の要だ。何かあったら皆の士気が下がってしまうぞ。
You can depend on me completely. There's something about you. For some reason, I feel like you're family!よければもっと私を頼ってくれないか?不思議なんだ…お前を見ているとなんだか、弟や妹のように世話をしてやりたくなる。
I was just tending to my pegasus. Their wings are so downy in a few places. Want to feel it for yourself?天馬の世話をしていた。羽の付け根に触れるとふわりとしているぞ。お前も触ってみるか?

친구 방문

You're [Summoner], right?
Whew, I found you! I bring greetings from [Friend].

레벨 업

Nothing will scare me now.今の私には、怖いものなど無い。
Well done! Now to try even harder!よし、この調子だ。もっと高みを目指すぞ。
That is not good enough. I have to do better!思ってたのと違うぞ!?


Well? Do I seem stronger than I was before?どうだ? 以前の私よりも強そうになったか?

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, you! I just finished grooming my pegasus and was wondering if you'd like to take a ride with us.
I've been wanting something to do to bring us closer together, and this is perfect!
We can talk while we admire the view, soaring through the sky— you'll love it!
Hm? We're already close? That's really sweet...and I'm a little embarrassed now.
Well, I still think a joyride through the skies is in order— you coming?
…なに? そんなことをしなくても、もうじゅうぶん親密だと思っている?そ、そうなのか!? なんだか照れるな…




I was careless...油断したか…っ

오의 발동

I won't lose!負けるものか!
Clear the way!退け!
Here to help!ヒノカ、参る!
I can do this!頑張れヒノカ!


Too strong!つわもの…だな…


I want to get stronger. No, I have to get stronger!私はもっと強くなりたい
I take very good care of my pegasus. I should be doing it now!そろそろ天馬の世話をしてやらないとな
Just shout anytime you need help. I'll come running.困った事があったら、私を呼ぶといい
You have a divine weapon? Neat. My brothers do too!兄様たちも、お前のような神器を持っているぞ
I sometimes wonder if I should be more graceful and gentle. You know, a princess.本当は姫らしく、淑やかにしたほうがいいのだろうか
I wonder where Azama and Setsuna are? You never know with those two!アサマとセツナはどこに… まあ、近くにいない事は確かだろうな
You can't fight in battle, so I'm happy to help you. More than happy!お前は闘えないのか…私はそういう奴に弱いんだどうしても、守ってやりたくなってしまう

아군 턴 터치

Got it.心配はいらない
Let's go!さあ、行くぞ

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

Keep dreaming.いい夢をみろよ
Good night and good riddance.お、おやすみなさい…
Don't underestimate me!甘く見るな!

패배 - 신장


상태창 - 신장

You chose these clothes for me? There must be some mistake!こ、この衣装を私に!? 何かの間違いではないか…!?
Hey! Watch it! This isn't the most protective outfit in the world.きゃあっ…! き、気をつけろ! ただでさえ薄着なのに…
Are álfar similar to the spirits of Hoshido? No? Maybe I misunderstood...妖精とは、私たちの国の妖怪のようなものか? え、違う?
I don't like the way you're looking at me. So cut it out!あ、あまりじろじろ見るな。気恥しい…
I always feel rested after a good workout. Nothing's better than a good night's sleep.眠るのは好きだ。いい鍛錬をした後はよく眠れるからな。
Ugh. Azama and Setsuna won't let me live this down...アサマとセツナ…どうせからかわれるに決まっている! うう…
Thanks for the new attire. It's not my usual style, but it's a gift from you, so I'll take good care of it.これもお前からの贈り物だからな…。大切にする。ありがとう。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Makes sense.承知
What's the plan?どうする?
Naptime for them.眠らせてやる

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