신과 마의 사이에서 이둔/대사


I am Idunn... Though I was once in a slumber for years beyond count, my life has begun anew.私はイドゥン……いまは、長い夢から覚めたよう。在るがまま、解きほどけるままに……

His Majesty wished...to liberate the world. He may be gone, but that yearning for freedom lives on in me.世界の『解放』……陛下の夢……夢は、生きつづけます…私の中で……
The hearts of dragons and humans are so similar, and so easily twisted. If only we had seen that sooner...心は歪みやすく、憎しみや争いを生む。人も、竜も、変わりはないのです。互いにそれを認められなかっただけ――
Whether it be relaxing, learning, or loving, humans are ever inclined to lose themselves in their pursuits.よく眠り、よく食べ、よく遊び、よく学び――そして自他を愛す。竜とは異なる、人の好むべき性質。
I'm...smiling? I'm smiling!クスッ。
When I see a flower swaying in the wind, I feel as if I finally understand what it means to be alive...風に揺れる、花……ああ、それだけで……この世のすべてが見えるかのようです。

친구 방문

I am Idunn... I am on a pilgrimage of sorts, to see what I can learn from every corner of the world.私はイドゥン。各地を訪れ、見聞を得ています。

레벨 업

After a thousand suns and a thousand moons, I still await the shared world my brethren dreamed of long ago.幾千の昼、過ぎゆき、幾万の夜、流れゆく。過ぎ去りし竜たち…私は待ち続けています。あなたたちが諦めた時代を、人々と共に――
Even if you can't change the past, you can live for the future. Take heart, and move ever forward.過去をやり直すことはできなくとも明日へ生きていくことはできる……より確かな心を持って、未来へと。
This must be what sorrow feels like...これが……かなしみ。


This is but the first step. One day, I will understand the wisdom held by humans and dragons alike.人と竜、数々の英知を私はこれから学んでいきましょう。ひとつずつ、ゆっくりと。

5성 40레벨 달성

The dream... It felt like it lasted for an eternity. All I could do was wait, trapped utterly alone in a silent void.
I only awoke because His Majesty willed it. A fervent voice, a pair of hollow eyes, and a mighty sword...
In that moment, the seal broke, and my eternity ended.
The isolation had robbed me of my heart, leaving nothing but despair in its wake...just like His Majesty.
The joy of friendship, the hope of new beginning, and the warmth of life... I wish he could also feel these.
His Majesty now slumbers in his own dream, but perhaps he will get that chance one day.
And, when I finally feel truly free, he will be glad...for we are all connected by our dreams.





오의 발동

My heart…これが…心…
To protect the world...守りたい…
I want to help.力になれるなら…
No longer alone...ひとりではないから…


I'm sorry...ごめん…なさい…


I feel as if I've been reborn somehow...何だか…生まれ変わったような心持ちがします…
*surprise* You're mysterious.きゃ…! あなたは…不思議な人です。
Fae was so happy to see how I've changed.ファが、この姿を見てすごく喜んでくれたんです。
Wind, trees, laughter... I know these things now. Thanks to them...風、木、笑うこと…。みんな教えてもらいました。
Flowers are very beautiful. I like them.花は好きです。とても、そう、綺麗…
I wonder if...if a heart has grown inside of me...私の中に芽生えた、これが…心、なのでしょうか…
When I am with you, I can smile.あなたといると、私は…笑うことができます。

아군 턴 터치

Go where?どちらへ…?
I'm going now.いきます

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