나바타의 수호닌자 이글레느/대사


I am Igrene, a guardian of Nabata, the place I call my home. I hear this outfit is perfect for stealth missions.私はイグレーヌ。ナバタの里の守り手……これは世を忍ぶ仮の姿、らしいわ。

Ninja are essentially spies, right? If I am to play the part, I'd better be careful to avoid detection.ニンジャとは…つまり、密偵のような役割らしいわ。目立たないようにしないと。
I wonder... Are ninja similar to the spies of Ostia or the assassins of the Black Fang? Or, perhaps both?私はニンジャというものに詳しくないけれどオスティアの密偵のようなものね。【黒い牙】の暗殺者のほうが近いのかしら。
Are you getting enough rest? You should always be ready to head out for battle, even at a moment's notice.きちんと休んでいますか?体力がないとイザというときに踏ん張りがききませんよ。
This outfit is quite impressive. I feel even more nimble than usual in it.この衣装は素晴らしいわ。機能性と視線誘導にすぐれているわね。
Katana, kunai, shuriken... These weapons are all so interesting.カタナ、クナイ、シュリケン……おもしろいものだわ。

친구 방문

Are you [Summoner]?
I have a confidential message for you from [Friend].

레벨 업

Hm, did I get a little too carried away? How embarrassing...私ったら、すっかりその気になってしまって……恥ずかしい…
Find an opening, and then strike it in an instant... Perhaps archers and ninja are more alike than I thought.相手の隙を狙い、一瞬で仕留める。この感覚は狙撃と変わらないわ…私、ニンジャに向いているのかも。
Is...that it?あら……


I won't let you down.期待してもらって光栄ね。

5성 40레벨 달성

So, how did I fare in that last battle? I was worried about fighting without my bow, but I think I did well enough.
I suppose that means I am becoming accustomed to all of this, but I still have much to learn...
Speaking of which, I have heard that female ninja are called "kunoichi."
Surely the Order of Heroes has its own detachment of spies, right?
I'm well aware of the danger that comes with the role, but...I want to support the Order from the shadows.
Perhaps then, I might come closer to understanding how my late husband felt while he worked...





오의 발동

I've come for your life.お命もらい受けます
There's no escape.逃げられません
I'll see the job done!己の任務を!
This will be your end!誅を下します!


I failed...お許し…ください…


It's interesting to wear an outfit from so far beyond Nabata.異国の装束というのは面白いものですね。
Another attempt at teasing me? One of these days, you'll need to act your age.きゃっ…! またあなたは、子供のようなことばかり。
How long has it been since I've used anything other than a bow?弓以外の武器を手にするのはいつ以来でしょうか…
The children flock to me every time I come by in this outfit. They want me to strike poses for them.この装束は子供たちから人気で、囲まれてしまいました。
This may be just a festival to some, but I see it as a chance to learn.祭りとはいえ忍の任務を体験できるなんて、勉強になります。
The more I learn about ninja, the more I wonder... Were these the kinds of things he had to do?あの人の仕事も、こんな感じだったのでしょうか?
I will be your shadow, ever vigilant against those who would do you harm.あなたに影のように寄り添い、いつも守ることができたなら…

아군 턴 터치

Your orders?ご命令を
Which way?どちらでしょう?
The mission begins.参ります

캐릭터 페이지로