마음을 힘으로 아이크/대사


I'm Ike from the Greil Mercenaries. I've come to offer my thanks for all the help I get.グレイル傭兵団の団長、アイクだ。日頃世話になっている皆に感謝の想いを伝えにきた。

This doesn't suit me, I know. But they worked hard on this outfit. I have to be polite about it.似合ってないのは百も承知だが皆が用意してくれた衣装だ。無下にするわけにはな…
As a mercenary, I've taken on a lot of jobs. None of them were as odd as this.これまで傭兵としてさまざまな依頼をこなしてきたが…こんなに妙な任務ははじめてだ。
I got you something I thought you'd like. I mean, it would be nice if you liked it.俺なりにあんたが喜んでくれそうな贈り物を用意したつもりだ。気に入ってくれるといいんだが…
I don't know what to do with myself at a festival. Do you mind if I follow you? Wherever you want to go is fine.こういう祭りは慣れてなくてな。よければ一緒に回ってくれないか?あんたの行きたいところでいい。
I'd like to say thanks more often, but I'm no good with words.俺は口下手だからな…日頃の感謝の気持ちが少しでも伝わるといいんだが。

친구 방문

Sorry to bother you during the festival. Just dropping by on behalf of [Friend].祭りの途中だが…[フレンド]から挨拶を預かってきた。

레벨 업

Seems like I'm getting through to you.どうやら、想いが伝わったようだ。
I think I've got it.多少、つかめてきたようだ。
Can't blame anybody but myself.誰かのせいではない。俺の努力不足だ。


I'll put this to good use. Don't you worry about that.あんたから贈られたこの力、無駄にはしない。

5성 40레벨 달성

If you want to get stronger, it helps to have something you want to protect.
Is it a place? Is it peace? Maybe you have a vision for how things should be.
That's how I kept taking steps forward. Look at me now.
All I needed to do was keep the people who meant the most to me in mind.
And in battle, I'm not on my own. I have comrades, and that's why I can fight so hard.
I'm not good with words, so I'll have to show them just how grateful I am.





오의 발동

Accept this gift.贈らせてもらう!
Take me seriously.これでも真面目だ
Don't bother thanking me.礼はいらん
I'm giving all I've got!全力を尽くす!


The gift... Sorry...すまん…贈り物が…


I'm Ike of the Greil Mercenaries. Never mind the outfit.グレイル傭兵団のアイクだ。…こんな格好ですまん…
Something wrong with my outfit? Not like I could tell...? ああ、すまん。衣装を直してくれたのか。
So I can't use my sword. Is this thing going to be good enough?こいつは一応、剣の代わりらしい。…不安しかないな。
They say that only the inexperienced worry about what they wear into battle. I guess that means I'm fine with this gear.格好にこだわっているようでは、まだまだ未熟らしい。…本当か?
Is it true that they always sell meat at festivals like this? Then I'm in.祭りでは肉がたくさん食えるらしい。良い習わしだな。
Thinking about training with my father gets my blood pumping.親父との訓練だと思えば、気合も入る…
I want to fight for you. If that's the feeling everyone's talking about sharing...then I've got it, too.あんたのために戦いたい…その気持ちなら、ある。

아군 턴 터치

No way around it.仕方ない
What should I do...どうするかだな…
Enjoy the festival.祭りを祝う

캐릭터 페이지로