갈라테아 백작가 잉그리트/대사


I may still be in training, but so long as brave and determined knights are needed, I will gladly answer the call.いまだ未熟の身ではありますが戦場に求められた以上は勇気と覚悟をもって参ります。

Being away from home has allowed me to focus purely on the lance, that I might best defend the ones I love.私は幼い頃から武芸を修めてきました。ここにいる間は、煩いごとを忘れ、皆のために槍を振るうことができます。
My fiancé was an honest and faithful knight. Pained as I was to lose Glenn, I'm proud he did his duty to the end.許婚のグレンは清廉高潔な騎士でした。命を懸けて近衛騎士の務めを果たした彼を、私は心から誇りに思っています。
A clean space makes for a clean mind, and that starts with what you wear. Straighten out those cuffs!部屋の乱れは心の乱れ、と言います。服装の乱れもまた、心の乱れでありましょう。襟を正し、規則正しい生活を送るべきです。
Meat, veggies, fish... Char-broiled, seared, smoked... So many choices. What should I eat today?肉、野菜、魚…焼き物、燻製、煮込み、練り物…今日の食事も、本当に楽しみです。
I must study intensely now so that my skills in riding and the sword and lance will be ready when called upon.剣、槍、馬、様々な研鑽を積み、毎日少しずつでも成長していくのが今の私の使命です。

친구 방문

Greetings. I am here to deliver warm regards to [Summoner] from [Friend].[召喚師]殿と[フレンド]はどういうご関係でしょう?

레벨 업

My aim is to become a devoted knight—one who could have stood proudly by Glenn's side.誇り高く、忠義に厚い…グレンのような騎士になることが私の目標なのです!
Ah, no big deal.この程度、当然です。
Spare me the consolation! I will do better next time.な…慰めなど不要です!


Thank you for this. I promise I will see it put to good use.なるほど、こういうものですか。早く慣れるよう努めます。

5성 40레벨 달성

I find myself wondering, perhaps counterproductively, what place a knight has in a world free of conflict.
That world is His Highness's goal, I know, but what good is a knight who is not fighting to protect her people?
House Galatea's lands are barren, its coffers bare. Until I was born, we had not seen a Crest for generations.
Ever since we lost Glenn, my father has rushed to arrange one marriage proposal after another for me.
He means well. He wants what's best for me and for our house. He has already sacrificed so much...
Ah, forgive me—I have a lot on my mind. I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to say right now.
Perhaps I'm simply grateful to fight to protect you...as a knight should.


Nice try!甘い!


Not bad...やるわね…

오의 발동

You're finished!終わりよ!
Defenseless are we?がら空きね!
Try this on for size!受けてみなさい!
This'll do the trick.もらったわ!




I am Ingrid Brandl Galatea. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.私はイングリット=ブランドル=ガラテア。よろしくお願いします。
A civilized conversation isn't too much to ask for, is it?きゃあっ!? ふ、不意打ちは卑怯ですよ。
Since I was young, I've always wanted to be strong enough to protect our kingdom, like Prince Dimitri—or Glenn.私はディミトリ殿下やグレン…彼らのように強くなりたいのです。
My father was never pleased when I'd steal away on my horse...子供の頃は馬であちこち駆け回って、父によく叱られました。
Some say I could do more to maintain my appearance, but I take little interest in fashion.おしゃれというか、自分を飾り立てることは得意ではないんです。
All this training has given me a rapacious appetite.…お腹が…減ってきたような…
Perhaps we could dine together sometime. I'd be curious to try some of your favorite foods.あの、一緒に食事に行きませんか? あなたの好きなものを教えてください。

아군 턴 터치

Ready when you are.わかりました
I'll do my best.指示を

캐릭터 페이지로