창궁의 댄서 아주르/대사


I am Inigo. I've long dreamed of being a dancer, and I'll dance my heart out on this stage you've provided me.僕はアズール。ダンサーは僕の夢だったんだ。この舞台で、精いっぱい踊ってみせるよ。

My, what a variety of Heroes! I never expected to clap eyes on so many realmsworth of adorable creatures...ここには、色んな英雄がいるんだね。異界にはこんなにいっぱいかわいい子がいるのかあ…!
I'm told some don't appreciate male dancers, but I do my best to support everyone all the same.男の踊りじゃ元気にならないってそう言われることもあったけど…今の僕なら、みんなの力になれるよ。
I lost my mother, and sometimes, I wonder if she'd smile if she saw me as I am now, carrying on her legacy.今の僕の姿を見たら、死んじゃった母さんは笑ってくれるかな。踊りを受け継いだこと、喜んでくれるかな…
At the performing arts festival, my friends put on plays, they sang, they danced...
Why don't we do something like that here? A wonderful idea, wouldn't you say?
When I'm dancing is the only time I don't need to remind myself to smile. It just happens naturally.踊ってる時だけはね、笑顔でいようってそう思わなくてもいいんだ。踊ってると自然に、笑顔になるものだから。

친구 방문

I've moseyed over here to bring you [Friend]'s best.
My outfit? It's for dancing, of course! Isn't it something?
[フレンド]さんから、挨拶を届けに来たよ! …え、この衣装?踊るための服なんだよ。綺麗でしょ?

레벨 업

I've danced so much for you... I have that to thank for this.君がいっぱい踊らせてくれたおかげだね!
My dream came true—I'm a dancer. Now the real work starts!せっかくダンサーになったんだもん、これぐらい頑張らないとね!
How embarrassing! And it means more practice, too...は、恥ずかしい…!もっと練習してくるよ…!


With this power, I'll dance even more beautifully. Just watch me!これからも僕を見ててね。君がくれた力で、もっと綺麗に踊るから!

5성 40레벨 달성

I have to thank you for calling me to this world and letting me dance for so many Heroes.
I've been to a lot of places, seen a lot of things, and met a lot of people... Many of them are dear to me now.
But none of them—not a single one— was able to see me as I am now. Nobody saw my dream made real.
But now, thanks to you, my dream IS real. Nothing could make me happier.
It's not so easy to say this, and maybe it's not easy to hear it, either... Your support means a lot. I'm in your debt.
I hope to stay by your side for a long time to come. I want to help you reach your dream. I want to see you smile.
Now, and forever...my heart brims with affection for you.


Here I go!いくよ!



오의 발동

This'll make you smile!笑って踊ろうね
One more dance? Sure.一曲お相手を
Watch these moves!目をそらさないで
Grand finale!エンディングだよ


Wrong step.もう…踊れないや…


Dazzling, yes?僕を見ていて
A dance, just for you!君のために踊るよ
Does this outfit suit me? I had it made for the festival.この衣装、似合ってる? お祭りのために用意したんだ
Are you trying to catch me rehearsing my steps? I...I need to practice alone.れ、練習を見られるのだけは…やっぱりまだ恥ずかしいかも
Think this outfit will make the ladies swoon? Ha! I'd stake my life on it.この姿ならいよいよモテるんじゃないかな? なんてね
With this sort of presence, I'll be sure to put a smile on each and every face.やっと夢が叶ったよ。この力で、みんなを笑顔にしてみせる…
I'll show you, and only you, a special dance of mine. I put a lot of sweat and tears into this one. I hope you like it.僕の特別な踊り…君にだけ見せてあげる。心を込めて踊るから、最後まで見ていてね。

아군 턴 터치

Let's dance.踊っていいの?
Time for tea?お茶でも行かない?

캐릭터 페이지로