사지의 뇌신 이슈타르/대사


I am Ishtar, a mage of the proud house of Friege. Please, grant me an opportunity to fight.私はイシュタル。誇りあるフリージ家の魔法戦士。どうか戦う機会をお与えください。

Is there a parent who would not lament their child being sacrificed to the flames of Loptous?自分の子供が火に焼かれると知って嘆かぬ親がおりましょうか。
None can defy Julius's orders. But the children he would see hunted down...are innocent of any crime.ユリウス様の御命令は絶対…ですが、狩られる子供たちには何の罪もありません…
Why am I here? What am I meant to accomplish here? Will the day come when I know these answers?私はなぜ、ここにいるのか…ここで何を為すべきか…いつか、わかる日がくるでしょうか。
It was Emperor Arvis himself who said we must release the children being held in the castle.アルヴィス皇帝陛下はあのとき…城に集めた子供達を解放せよと仰せになったのです。
I envy pegasi and falcons... They may simply fly away. Would that I had wings.ペガサスやファルコンはいいですね。私も、翼があれば飛んでみたい。

친구 방문

The smiling faces that surround me are harsh and glaring like the sun.皆さんの笑顔が、私にはまぶしい…

레벨 업

Why do I, as I am now, have such power?今の私に、なぜこれほどの力が…
My strength must find its purpose.この力で、私は何を為すべきなのでしょうか。
Lord Julius, I...ユリウス様…私は……


Do not trouble yourself on my account. Ah, no. It is only right that I thank you.私などに構わず…………いえ、ありがとうございます。

5성 40레벨 달성

My love for Lord Julius is true. At first, we were even happy. He was kind, and I served his rule gladly.
But things changed. He instructed me to abduct children, inflicting despair upon the people. I could not do it.
If I have one request for you, it is this. Value each general, each soldier. Consider their lives as your own.
How many souls were sacrificed in the endless war of my realm? We knew no other way.
I pray that the day comes when he and I may atone for our sins. We may then find peace, hope, and joy.




At this rate...このままでは…

오의 발동

You will go no further.通しません
I will save them!私が守る…!
Not one more!もう誰も…!
It is all right now.大丈夫です


If only I could do more...ごめんなさい…もう…


One of the children gave me this doll. Adorable, isn't it?このぬいぐるみは子供たちからもらったんです。可愛いでしょう?
*startled* Oh, summoner. I thought I might be needed by a little one...きゃっ!? あ、あなたでしたか。てっきり子供たちかと…
I disobeyed Lord Julius. He...does not yet know.私はユリウス様の命に背き、子供たちを密かに逃がしました…
I have no regrets. They are safe now.後悔はしていません。子供たちが無事でよかった。
That was meant to be my time... My end.あの時の死…あれが、私の本来の結末…
Lord Julius... I do love you.私はユリウス様を愛しております…
You have the potential to change the world. What a wonderful thing.あなたの下で新しい可能性を生きられる…私は幸せです。

아군 턴 터치

Very well.わかりました
Your orders.ご指示を
It will be done.任せてください

캐릭터 페이지로