뇌신 이슈타르/대사


I am Ishtar of Friege. Please make use of my knowledge of sorcery.私の名はイシュタル。フリージ家の者です。魔道の扱いには心得があります。どうぞお役立てください。

Prince Alfonse is so sensible and so kind... He reminds me of—no, I apologize. I won't bore you.アルフォンス王子は、聡明でお優しい。あの方も…いえ、どうしようもないこと。つまらない話を聞かせてごめんなさい。
The empire was built on the backs of the oppressed. I knew this. And yet all I did was fight the liberation army...帝国は虐げられた民の上に成り立っていた。それが間違いだと判っていても、私は、解放軍と戦うことしか出来なかった…
Your clothes are rumpled! If you find yourself in a position of leadership, be sure you look the part.襟が乱れています。貴方も人を率いる立場なら、身だしなみもきちんとなさらないと…
I can see how tense you are. If you don't take a break, you'll crumple right when everyone needs you most.
Now's a good time to stop and take a rest.
Lord Julius... Forgive me... I...ユリウス様…お許しください…私は…

친구 방문

I am Ishtar. I anticipate the warm continuation of your friendship with [Friend].私はイシュタル。挨拶に参りました。[フレンド]のこと、よろしくお願い致します。

레벨 업

Witness my talent! I am Ishtar, Goddess of Thunder!これが我が才、雷神イシュタルの力…!
Little by little, I grow stronger.ひとつずつ、強くなりましょう。
Pardon my incompetence. I have no excuses.こんなこと…無力な私をお許しください。


I am grateful. I'll work even harder, so anticipate results.この力を私に…ありがとう。更なる活躍を約束しましょう。

5성 40레벨 달성

Tell me, [Summoner]... Do you have feelings for anyone?
Whether or not they return your love, or if it is unrequited...
I know this question is sudden. I ask because I must understand something...
Not long ago, I fought for one I loved deeply.
I fought even though I knew this path was wrong, both as a warrior and as a woman.
There may be a time when you must choose your path, as I did...
Promise me one thing. When that time comes, do not make a choice that you will live to regret.





오의 발동

I am sorry.すまない…
There's nothing more to be said.言葉はない
You will die here.死んでもらう
Mjölnir's wrath!トールハンマー!


Lord Julius... I...ユリウス様…私は…


I am Ishtar, known as the goddess of thunder.雷神イシュタル…そう呼ばれていました。
Ah! What do you want?きゃあっ!? い、いったい何を…?
Sacrifice children to that dark god? I cannot do it.子供を暗黒神の生贄にするなど、そのようなこと…
Lord Julius... Please forgive me.ユリウス様…どうかお許しください…
Reinhardt served me ever since I was a child...ラインハルトは、幼い時から私に仕えてくれていました。
Perhaps... Perhaps I was in the wrong.私は…間違っていたのかもしれない…
When I'm with you, I feel my doubts melt away.あなたといると…迷いが消えていくのを感じます。

아군 턴 터치

Your orders?ご命令を
Send me.参ります

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

I will crush you.潰します
Oh, great power...大いなる力よ…
Do not flatter yourself.敵うと思うな
You will become nothing.消えてもらう

패배 - 신장

I have no excuses...申し訳…ありません…

상태창 - 신장

This is a Jötun outfit from the country of large folk. What do you think?巨人族の国、ヨトゥンの衣装です。いかがしょうか…?
Huh! Can you not help yourself?きゃっ…! 仕方のない人ですね。
Everything must be quite large in Jötunheimr. I would like to see it sometime.巨人の国は、きっとすべてが大きいのでしょうね。見てみたいものです。
As I come to grasp the contrasts between so many different worlds, I feel that my vision broadens.世界の多様さを知るたびに、もっと視野を広くあらねばと思うのです。
Do you suppose I should learn to handle a physical weapon as well?私も武器の扱いを覚えた方がよろしいでしょうか…?
Lord Julius and I always so delighted in dressing up in finery.ユリウス様も…私が華やかに装うととても喜ばれました…
So that I may give you my best effort, I will always strive to improve.もっと自分を鍛えて、あなたの為に励みますね。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

I understand.承知しました
They will surrender.捻じ伏せましょう

캐릭터 페이지로