개척하는 소년 이츠키/대사


My name's Itsuki Aoi. Nice to meet you! I'm not really sure how I can help, but...I'll give it my best shot!
Looking forward to working with you.

I never would've believed worlds like this existed before I became Chrom's Mirage Master...クロムのミラージュマスターになる前は、こんな異世界があるなんて信じられなかっただろうな…
I don't have any particular goal in mind for myself—but if I can help Tsubasa and the rest, I'll be happy.俺には何か目標があるわけじゃないけどツバサやみんなの夢の後押しができたらすごくいいなって思ってるんだ。
If you need help on patrol, send me a message. Er... In my world we'd use Topic to send messages, but...見回り、大変なら手伝おうか?俺たちの世界だったらTOPICでいつでも連絡しあえるんだけど…
I want all the friends I've made here to visit my world someday. Trust me, the performances are worth the trip.いつかここにいる仲間のみんなと俺たちの世界に遊びに来てほしいな。あっちは芸能がすごく盛り上がってるんだ。
Have courage! Get out there and win! Oh, uh...I was just practicing some poses. It's the performer in me.勝って来るぞと、勇ましく!…あぁ、モデルポーズの練習をしてたんだ。これでも一応は芸能人だからさ。

친구 방문

Proper greetings are important no matter what world you're in. That's why [Friend] sent me![フレンド]から、挨拶を頼まれて来ました。…どの世界でも挨拶は大切なんだな。

레벨 업

All right! Now it's time to stretch myself even further.よしっ!更に高みを目指していこう!
Nice. Feeling good! If I can keep this pace, I'll really go places.うん。いい調子だ。このペースで頑張ろう。
Ugh. I should be better by now...くっ…まだこんなものじゃないはずだ…


Thank you for always encouraging me like this. I'll do everything I can to meet your expectations.いつも応援してくれてありがとう。期待に応えられるように頑張らなくちゃな。

5성 40레벨 달성

You know, back at Fortuna, I was always worrying about what I could do for my friends.
But after coming to this world, I think I finally found an answer in what you do, [Summoner].
You're always there to look out for your friends, always ready to take on whatever troubles come their way...
Having someone like you around can make a world of difference! ...I want to be someone like that too.
Thank you for helping me realize that. You have my support as long as I'm here—however long that is!


Eat this!くらえっ!


Exert painくぅっ!
Just a scratch…この程度…!

오의 발동

Got it!こいつで決める!
Now's my chance!この間合いなら!
Chrom taught me this one!クロム直伝っ!
Chrom : We won't be defeated!クロム : 俺は負けん!
Chrom : The future is ours!クロム : 運命を切り拓く!
Chrom : With me, Itsuki!クロム : 合わせろイツキ!




I'm Itsuki Aoi, with Fortuna Entertainment. I hope to make it big, someday.フォルトナエンタテイメントの蒼井樹です。職業は…芸能人、になるのかな。
*startled sound* Is there something you need?うわっ! …なんだ、いたずらか。敵の攻撃かと思ったよ。
Sure is different around here. Allies don't follow up on weak points, do they? Well, I'll get used to it.この世界では、弱点を攻撃しても仲間たちは追撃してくれないんだな…
So many people, from so many places...it reminds me of Shibuya Crossing!まるで辛さのスクランブル交差点だ! …ちょっとイマイチかな。
I'm so lucky I get to partner up with Chrom.クロムっていう相棒に会えたことが、俺にとっての一番の幸運だったんだ。
He may not realize it yet, but Itsuki has the potential to be a great lord.自覚はないようだが、イツキにはロードの資質がある。導く力があるんだ。
Itsuki has shown me the wondrous power of the world of entertainment.芸能は素晴らしい力を俺たちにくれる。イツキたちから教わったことだ。
My alter ego has such clear eyes...異界の俺は随分と爽やかな目をしているんだな…
I just want what's best for everyone at Fortuna.フォルトナのみんなのために、俺に出来ること…か。
You're the one in charge, here. Where you lead, we'll follow.ここではお前が俺たちの導き手だ。必要なときはいつでも指示を出してくれ。

아군 턴 터치

Good to go.いいね。
Let's overwhelm them!畳み掛けよう。
Leave it to me.任せてくれ。

캐릭터 페이지로