우아한 천마기사 유노/대사


I am Juno, from Edessa. It is an honor to be invited to this festival, though my sisters may have been a better fit.私はエデッサのユーノ。特別な日にお招きいただき光栄ですわ。でも、妹たちでなく私でよかったのかしら。

I intended to withdraw from military conflict when I got married, but...
I couldn't simply watch as my husband and sisters departed for war.
This desert would be difficult to live in. Strangely, it reminds me of Ilia with its intense temperatures.猛暑と熱風で人を寄せ付けぬ砂漠…冷気と氷雪に閉ざされるイリアとは正反対だけれど、本質は似ているようだわ。
All bodies grow weary. Remember to take the time to rest while you can.身体は疲労していくもの。元気であるうちに、お休みくださいね。
People are people. It does not matter where they are from. We can only flourish by supporting each other.どのような世界や土地でも、人は人。支え合って生きていくものなのね。
I hear the desert gets quite cold at night. Perhaps my experience living in Ilia will be useful.土地に水気が無いぶん、砂漠の夜はずいぶん冷え込むと聞きます。イリアの知恵がお役に立ちそうですね。

친구 방문

Hello there. I hope you will pursue a friendship with the people of Nabata alongside [Friend].[フレンド]はナバタの里と友好の誼を結ばれるとか。[召喚師]もぜひ。

레벨 업

I will continue to fight so that I may raise my child in a world free of war.理想…そう、私の理想は、あの子を安全な…戦いのない世界で育てていくこと……そのためにも!
I think I understand the message that the people of Nabata are trying to impart through this festival.ああ……わかる気がする。この祭事を通して、ナバタの里の人々が世界へ伝えようとする願いが。
As a mother, I know that there are many things more important than my own life.母親だからこそ。自分の命よりも大切なものがある、その気持ちが心からわかるの…


My, this is for me? I graciously accept.まあ、これを私に?張り切らせていただきますわ。

5성 40레벨 달성

What a wonderful festival. It's easy to see the pride and strength of the people who live in the Nabata Desert.
I previously thought life in the desert would hold nothing but endless toil and challenges.
Intense heat during the day and biting cold at night... Nature doesn't always accept humanity easily.
We mustn't force our way in, but strive to live in harmony with it and remain grateful for its gifts.
The same can be said of relationships between people and countries. I've learned that much at this festival.
I shall impart what I've learned here to my husband, sisters, everyone I can...
so that, no matter the world or time, we may all welcome a time of peace at last.





오의 발동

You will not escape.逃がしません
I'll protect my family!お守りします
For the children!子供達のために
The fight continues.明るい未来を…


Mustn't give up...あきらめるわけには…


Thank you for inviting me to this festival. Let's make it one to remember.ご招待ありがとうございます。楽しい一日にしましょうね。
*start* Oh, I thought you were one of my sisters for a moment. They used to tease me as well.きゃっ…! まあ、妹たちかと思いました。懐かしいわ。
This may be a festival, but it also offers an excellent opportunity for desert combat training. Quite useful.お祭りとはいえ、砂漠での戦闘の訓練になっていいですね。
My sisters were such cute children.小さい頃の妹たちは、それは可愛かったんですよ。
Nothing soothes my tired heart more than seeing my daughter's smile.疲れていても、娘の笑顔を見ると癒されるんです。
I fight so that, someday, children will be free to grow up in peace.子供達のために平和な世界を…いつかきっと…
Should you need a shoulder to lean on, I am here.お疲れではありませんか? 甘えたくなったら呼んでくださいね。

아군 턴 터치

So be it.そうしましょう
Which way?どちらです?
Let's go.いきましょう

캐릭터 페이지로