근하신년 요호왕 니시키/대사


No one can throw a New Year's party like the stylish and beautiful kitsune. Lucky for you, you've got Kaden!あけましておめでとう!世界一美しい種族、妖狐族のニシキが一緒に正月を祝ってあげよう!

Have you seen Keaton in his kimono? He cuts an amazing silhouette! I'm actually kinda jealous.フランネル、着物の着こなしがずいぶんと個性的だね…。まあ、らしいといえばらしいけど!
The kitsune hamlet I lived in was part of Hoshido, so I'm pretty used to these New Year's traditions.もともと【妖狐の里】は白夜王国の領内にあったからね。お正月の風習も白夜王国と同じなのさ。
They say New Year's Day sets the tone for the whole year, so you can bet I'm gonna make sure I look good!一年の計は元旦にありというしね。正月といえど、美しさを保つ毛づくろいは欠かせないよ。
Selkie and I are gonna start off the New Year by visiting shrines. Wanna come with, [Summoner]?[召喚師]初詣に行かないかい?もちろん、キヌも一緒にね。
I feel like it'd solve a lot of problems if folks could just set fighting aside and enjoy the osechi on New Year's.お正月くらいは戦いを忘れておせち料理でも食べながらのんびりしたいね。

친구 방문

Happy New Year! Want some mochi? Freshly made! I brought it over from [Friend]'s castle.あけましておめでとう![フレンド]の城からつきたてのお餅を持ってきたよ。

레벨 업

I feel sleek and shiny as a freshly brushed coat of fur. A good omen for the new year!年のはじめから縁起がいいね。今年もボクの毛並みはツヤツヤだよ!
Great! Now let's hurry this up. We've got a party to get back to.戦いなんて早く終わらせて暖かい部屋でお正月の続きと行こう!
Can't let a little thing like this bring down the New Year's mood.お正月なんだし気分を切り替えていこう!


How generous of you! I'll make it my resolution to pay you back this year!正月早々、大盤振る舞いとはうれしいね。恩に着るよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

Thanks for getting me this amazing kimono, [Summoner]. I love it!
I look great in everything, but New Year's traditional wear positively shimmers on me, don't you think?
Honestly...I appreciate all that, but most of all I'm grateful for the chance to share this celebration with Selkie.
For that priceless gift, I'm going to have to pay you back twice—no, ten times over!
Wait, what's ten times priceless? Is that even possible? Whatever, I'll figure something out.
You deserve nothing but the best. Let's all keep working together in the new year, [Summoner]!


You won't get away!逃がさないよ


What the-?!このボクが…

오의 발동

Oh, that's IT!容赦しないよ
Here's a fun idea!ワクワクするね!
Ready to play?ボクと遊ぼうよ
Happy New Year!今年もよろしく!


I wasn't...done playing...まだ…遊びたいよ…


This outfit does a great job of showing off my natural beauty.ボクは世界一美しい妖狐だから、どんな衣装も似合ってしまうんだよね。
No! It can't be! My tail is...ruffled.わあっ!? ひどいじゃないか。ボクの自慢の尻尾が逆立ってしまったよ。
New Year's is great! I like a holiday where you mostly eat and lie around.お正月は大好きさ。美味しいものを食べてゴロゴロして…
I gave Selkie a little money for New Year's. Hope she spends it on something good!キヌにお年玉をあげたんだ。無駄遣いしないように見張ってなきゃ。
Ready for a game? We got badminton...kites...and tops. I'm gonna win at any of 'em, though.さあ、何して遊ぶ? 羽根つき、駒回し、凧揚げ…どれも負けないけどね。
Nice of you to let me wear this beautiful kimono! I'll get you back later.綺麗な着物を着せてもらった恩、必ず返すからね!
I know what the best part of your year will be: having me at your side!喜んでいいよ! 今年もずっとキミの傍にいてあげるから。

아군 턴 터치

I owe ya.恩返しだよ
I look good.えーっと

캐릭터 페이지로