미소의 해돋이 칸나/대사


Hi, I'm Kana! I can't wait to see what New Year's is like in Askr!はじめまして、カンナだよ!アスク王国のお正月ってどんな雰囲気なのかな? 楽しみー!

Oh no, where's my dragonstone? It was in my sleeve just a second ago...あ、あれっ…!?竜石、どこにやっちゃったかな?袖のところに仕舞ったはずだけど…。
I didn't get to see Papa or Mama in the Deeprealms, even on New Year's. It was really lonely...あたしがいた秘境はお正月でもお父さん、お母さんに会えなくて、とってもさびしかったの…。
Prince Alfonse, Princess Sharena, Commander Anna! Where are you? I need to wish you a happy New Year!アルフォンス王子とシャロン王女アンナ隊長はどこかな?新年のご挨拶をしたいの!
Let's see who can enjoy New Year's the most, Summoner! Huh? What do you mean "it's not a competition"?[召喚師]さん!どっちがお正月を楽しめるか競争しよう!…え? お正月って競うものじゃないの?
Isn't my kimono pretty? And it never rips, even when I turn into a dragon! Do you think it's made of magic?見て見てー! 綺麗な着物でしょ?実は竜になっても元どおりになる不思議な生地で作ってあるんだー。

친구 방문

Happy New Year! Did I get it right? Yes! Well-wishes delivered! I can't wait to tell [Friend]!謹賀新年って言うんだっけ?[フレンド]さんからの新年の挨拶、たしかに届けたよ!

레벨 업

Hooray! I think this'll be a good year!うん、いい調子!今年はいいことがありそうな気がする!
I'm gonna work even harder so I can get lots of New Year's gifts!もっともーっと頑張ってお年玉、たくさんもらっちゃうんだー。
My sandal strap tore off while I was running...うう、急に走ったら下駄の鼻緒が切れちゃったよ。


Whoa, for me?! New Year's is the greatest!わっ、これをあたしに?お正月、だーいすき!

5성 40레벨 달성

What do you think makes New Year's so fun? I think it's the feeling that something new is gonna start.
Speaking of new things, do you have goals for the new year, Summoner? I sure do!
First, I wanna become a strong hero like Papa.
Second, I wanna help keep Askr safe so we can all have another fun New Year's together next year!
So that means I gotta work hard to make it happen.
My dragon powers are going to get even cooler this year! Promise me you'll be watching, OK?





오의 발동

Three! Two! One!おめでとーっ!
A new year is here!新年だよ!
Let's celebrate!お祝いしよ!
Gimme my gift!お年玉ちょーだい!


Too much mochi...おもち…食べすぎちゃった…


Happy New Year! Let's play a lot this year too!明けましておめでとー! 今年もいーっぱい遊ぼうね!
Aaah! Nice one! If I was tall enough, I'd drop snow down the back of your shirt!ひゃっあっ!? 背中に雪をいれたの? やったなー!
Kimonos are so pretty! But they're a little uncomfy...着物ってとってもきれい! でもちょっと苦しいかな…
My papa gave me a gift for New Year's! I just need to figure out what to spend it on...お父さんからもらったお年玉で、何買おうかな?
Papa is always busy, but we get to spend all of New Year's together!いつも忙しいお父さんが、お正月はずっと一緒にいてくれるの。
Will I feel less lonely when I get older?ひとつ大人になったら、寂しいって気持ちもなくなっていくのかなあ…
I'm going to do my best for you this year, too, 'kay?あなたのために、今年もがんばるからね!

아군 턴 터치

Which way?どっち?
Let's get our fortunes!お参りいこ?

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