검마 카렐/대사


I am Karel. Care to meet my blade? Oh, let me withdraw the offer. You are not ready...yet.我が名はカレル。剣の道に生きる者。お前は、私が斬るにふさわしい強者か?

The most skillful Heroes from all the worlds gather in this one? What a lovely, lovely place.四方八方の異界より、強者どもが勢ぞろい、か…ふっ、この世は実に良い。
I have taken up my family's blade, which means that I am now one with my weapon.私は一族の剣を継いだ。それは、我が身を剣とする生涯を選んだということ…
Point me at the strongest of this world. My blade longs to feast on worthy meat.…強者はまだか。早く寄越せ、斬るにふさわしい強者を…
Approaching me? Here? I may take that as a challenge someday. Best you learn to defend yourself.私がここで仕掛けたとして…当然、お前は防ぐ策を用意しているのだろうな?
I am practicing a sword technique that we have kept secret within our family—to the extreme.
So, I'll do you the favor of telling you to walk away. Unless, of course, you wish to see it?

친구 방문

You must be [Summoner].
So, you think yourself a friend of [Friend]? Heh.

레벨 업

I pile my victims to the sky so the gods bless my blade!強者を贄として、我が剣は神域へ至る…
My body and my blade must get faster and fiercer!我が身は剣。より速く…より鋭く…
This risks tarnishing my blade—my body!錆びついたか…


Lovely, lovely—I yearn to unleash my blade!良いぞ…実に良い。我が身を抑えきれぬほどだ…

5성 40레벨 달성

You are a puzzle to me. I am on the path of the sword and cut down those strong enough to matter.
Yet you cannot fight—not with a sword, not even any magic. Still, you are on my path.
How troubling. Why don't I just walk around you? Why do I continue to fight for you? Perhaps...
Perhaps it is because having you at my side propels me faster along my path!
In any case, here we are—the sword and the swordless!
What else can I do but continue? That is, until the day when I see you standing IN my way.




...Not yet...…まだ、死ねぬ

오의 발동

Feast, blade. Feast!宴の始まりだ…
My blade, unrestrained!抑えられん…
My blood roils!血が揺らぐ…
I cannot resist...the urge!斬らずにはいられぬ


Well done.…見事…


Point me toward a worthy opponent.強者はどこにいる?
My blade comes out at the...slightest provocation.…斬られたくなければ、離れろ。
I was raised to live and die by the sword. Now, among my family members, I live. My sister does too.家族は皆、斬った。妹を除いて…
Only one can wield the sword.剣を継ぐのは、一人
My body? My blade? We are one and the same.私はこの刃と同じ
I am on the path of the sword. I seek its end—one way or another.剣(つるぎ)の道は、未だ果てなし…
Don't worry. My blade isn't meant for you.安心しろ。お前は斬らぬ

아군 턴 터치

Who next?さて…
Time to feast.宴の時だ…

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