홀로 헤매는 등불 카타리나/대사


My name is Katarina. I happen to be in the midst of a mission, so please ignore the clothes I'm wearing...私はカタリナと申します。これは任務遂行の、途中で……あの、そんなに見ないでください……

I have to wear this for a mission, s-so don't think this is a normal thing for me...あ、あまり見ないでくださいね。任務のためとはいえ、それなりに恥ずかしいので……
Clarisse would look better in this Plegian garb than I do. She's so beautiful, and cheerful too...ペレジアの装束ですか……私よりクライネのほうが似合うでしょうね。あの子は美人で、性格も明るいし…
Um... If you see Kris, please tell him he's a bit too...exposed, wearing this type of clothing around.あの…クリスを見かけたら、伝えてください。胸元を見せすぎです……と……
Is there anything that needs doing? I get nervous standing around with nothing to do...何か私にして欲しいことはありませんか?用事もなくじっとしていると、不安で…
Dorothea, Lene, and Tharja are all such fantastic people, aren't they?
I know it will probably never happen, but I'd love to be like those three one day, somehow.

친구 방문

My name is Katarina. I've brought a gift from [Friend].私はカタリナと申します。[フレンド]様からの贈りものを持ってまいりました。

레벨 업

I must be doing well today! I'll be sure to make the most of it while I can!今日は調子がすごく良いみたいです。だから、がんばりますね。
I'm fine, I'm fine. I can keep going!私、元気です。まだまだ動けますから……!
Ungh... I'm going to keep working at it. Don't leave me behind...………っ……私…がんばりますからっ…置いていかないで……


Thank you for your generosity.施しに感謝します……

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh no... The pin fell out...and I have no idea where!
If you hadn't pointed it out, this cloth around my waist could have fallen, and then where would I be?
I hear these clothes are from a distant realm. My world has a similar fashion, but this fabric is even finer...
While I do enjoy the compliments, I can't help but think this garb would be best suited for assassination...
I would use it that way, if you asked. I will take the missions others won't. You need only say the word.





오의 발동

I can't let you run!逃がしません
You're going to die.殺してあげます
It's over now.これで仕留めます
Forgive me!許してください


I'm truly sorry...ごめん…なさい…


My name is Katarina. You might not recognize me—these are Plegian clothes.カタリナです。これはペレジアという国の衣装だそうです。
Agh! Did... Did I deserve that?きゃあっ! わ、私、何か失礼なことをしましたか?
Clothing for hot places is bold... Am I wearing it right?暑い国の衣装は大胆です…。私に似合うでしょうか?
Plegian mages curse people? Fearsome.ペレジアの魔道士は人を呪うんですか? 恐ろしいです。
I would like to visit a desert, and see the land stretch on and on...一面に広がる砂漠の国なんて、ぜひ行ってみたいですね。
This outfit matches Kris's. I like that.クリスとお揃いの衣装なんです…とっても嬉しい…
If you get stuck with a curse, I'll find a way to remove it. I promise!あなたが呪われたって、必ず私が解いてみせますから!

아군 턴 터치

Happy to!喜んで
Let's make a plan.私の策で

캐릭터 페이지로