깨어난 호기심 클리프/대사


My name is Kliff. Hmm... This place looks like it could be a lot of fun. Don't let me get bored.僕の名前はクリフ。ふーん……なかなか楽しそうなところだね。僕を退屈させないでよ?

The chance to meet with so many Heroes from a variety of cultures... I actually find it kind of interesting.いろんな文明から来た英雄が一堂に会してるなんて……ちょっと興奮するよ。ちょっとだけどね。
Life in the village was getting boring, so when Alm asked me to join the Deliverance, I took the plunge.僕、村の暮らしに飽き飽きしてたんだよ。だから、アルムに解放軍に誘われていい機会かもって思ったんだ。
Being a summoner sounds like it's pretty interesting. Mind if we switch jobs for a day? Yes, I'm kidding.召喚師って興味深い仕事だよね……一日代わってあげようか?なーんて、冗談。
I've spent so much time in the library here. I'm getting bored. Why don't you show me around?
I bet they let you go anywhere.
I'm taking notes on this place, but when I get back to my world... nobody is going to believe me.ここでの記録を書き留めてるんだよ。元の世界に戻ったところで信じてもらえるか怪しいけど……

친구 방문

I was asked to carry this greeting by [Friend].
Can I go now?

레벨 업

Impressive! I didn't know I had this kind of potential.へー……すごいや。僕にこんな力があるなんてね。
This is nothing to complain about. Did you expect more?ま、こんなもんだよね。文句言わないでよ。
What? How boring.……何だよ、つまんないの。


Now this looks interesting... As a favor, I'll use it to help you out.おもしろそうな力だね……いいよ、君のために使ってあげる。

5성 40레벨 달성

Hey, [Summoner]... Want to talk?
Honestly, I wanted to ask you something. Do I have a bad attitude?
My friends say I do. It's true, isn't it?
I don't know why, but just about everything irritates me.
Maybe it's because I'm young. I'm not free to do what I want... I feel like I'm still waiting to grow up.
My dream is to travel the world on my own. I won't be going back to my village. That's a secret, by the way.
When I can go wherever I please, I'll try and find the time to visit you again. Probably.
Don't be surprised if I turn up!
どこにでも行けるようになったらいつか君にも会いに行ってあげる。ちゃんと待っててよ? ふふ……


I'm coming...いくよ…


Damn it...むかつくなあ…

오의 발동

You watching?これでどう?
I'll play with you.遊んであげるよ
You're no big deal.大したことないね
Get out of here!消えちゃえ!


I guess this is it.ちぇっ、ここまでか…


I'm Kliff. I'm a member of the Deliverance, along with everybody — well, it's a long story.僕はクリフ。みんなと一緒に解放軍で戦ってるんだ。ま、いろいろあってさ。
Huh? Don't be such a Tobin. If you're bored, why don't you try studying? It'll sharpen your wits.うわっ! もう…ロビンみたいなことしないでよ。ヒマなら勉強でもしたら?
I used to go to the school in the village, but it shut down, all thanks to the war. I'm so bored.町の学校に通ってたんだけど、今は戦争で休みなんだ。あーあ、つまんないな…
I'm not sure I believe what you're telling me about the world you come from. Are you pulling my leg?君がいた世界の話、ちょっと信じられないんだけど…からかってるんじゃないよね?
My friends from the village all treat me like a child. It's rather rude, wouldn't you say?村の友達はすぐ僕を子供扱いするんだ。失礼だよね。
I want to see the wide world with my own eyes. If that means I won't see my friends again, well, so be it.もっと広い世界をこの目で見たいんだ。たとえみんなに会えなくなっても……
You're not as boring as I expected! When I'm around you, things are never dull. Keep being yourself, OK?君といると退屈しないんだよね。これからももっと僕を驚かせてよ。約束だよ?

아군 턴 터치

That might work.いいかもね
I'll take care of it.片づけてあげる

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