어둠 속의 예견 놀/대사


I am Knoll...a former royal mage of Grado. I would prefer to speak no more about it.私は……ノール…かつて、グラドの宮廷魔道士でありました。それ以上の詮索は、お控えいただきたい…

With Prince Lyon, we sought to see into Grado's future. I wished only to help our people.リオン様と我々グラドの闇魔道士は、未来のグラドを見通そうとしていました。民の苦難を未然に防ぎたい、その一心で…
The land trembles, many die... That is the future we saw. Our Sacred Stone shattered, and Prince Lyon...changed.大地がきしみ、多くの人々が死にゆく…それが我々に視えたグラドの未来でした。【聖石】は破壊され…リオン様は………
The hearts of the Heroes here shine with a pure light—a courageous light. So bright it is, I fear I will be blinded.この城に集まる英雄が放つ、純粋な心の光……勇気…私のような者には、眩しすぎるほどです。
The revival of that ancient dark magic was always part of Prince Lyon's plan...かつて失われた古代の闇魔道…その一端を再現しようというのが、リオン様の計画だったのです。
Mages are not often thought of with fondness. Many believe we rely on demons to perform our magic.闇魔道士は、人に快く思われぬものです。魔物が使う邪悪な魔道であると思い込まれているのでしょう。

친구 방문

Why I was sent here is unknown to me. I am not suited for such friendly gestures.
...You agree, do you not?

레벨 업

This, too, is a great punishment. There are some powers best left unknown.これも大いなる罪、その呪縛のあらわれ……誰も知らぬ方が良いこともこの世にはあるのです……
To be a mage is to test every boundary you face. To do otherwise is against our nature.闇魔道とは、この世界のすべてを疑い世の在り方そのものに手をかけること。よもや逆らえるとは考えぬことです。
In this darkness, there is peace.この暗闇さえ……私には安らぎとなります…


Time is like the water of a river: it flows ever on, never stopping.時とは、川の流れのようなもの。過去より流れ来る水は、やがて未来へと流れ行くもの…

5성 40레벨 달성

You use the power of other worlds to wage war... Prince Lyon would approve, no doubt.
We read of a spell entitled time shear. It causes, in effect, a hole in time, punching through cause and effect.
It allows you to meddle with time and other worlds. And here you are, the full expression of that. If only...
Prince Lyon sought only to help our people. He foresaw a great disaster approaching...
That is but one facet of the power of time shear. And now...you have some of that power, Summoner.
To be frank, I fear that power of yours. Even so, I wish to see where you lead this world.




The darkness grows...不覚です…

오의 발동

The power of darkness.闇の力よ
This is truth.これが真実です
You will be consumed.飲み込まれますよ
All for naught.すべては水泡に…


A kind of peace…これも…安らぎです……


My name is Knoll. I was one of Grado's top researchers in arcane matters.ノールと申します。グラド帝国で魔術研究をしておりました。
If you need something, I would rather you simply call to me.……! …あの、御用でしたら普通に声をかけてほしいのですが……
I was branded a traitor and arrested. I was just one day from execution.私は反逆の罪で幽閉され、明日にも処刑される身でした。
It is said that time flows like a river... Does it follow that you can read that flow? Each ripple, every wave?時とは川の流れのようなもの。ならば流れを読むことも可能です。
There are as many truths in the world as there are people to tell them. Find the truth that speaks to you.真実など人の数だけあるものです。あなたの真実を選びとればいい。
All Prince Lyon wanted was to help people. And we were his servants.リオン様と我々は…ただ人を救いたかったのです。
I had lost my way... But as long as I'm with you, I may be able to find it again.私は道を失った。でも、あなたとなら再び見つけることができるかもしれない。

아군 턴 터치

It's no trouble.構いません
I'll lend a hand.手助けを

캐릭터 페이지로