여름색의 염희 레갸른/대사


I am Laegjarn. I wore something I thought would be fitting for the season, but...I grow tired of it.我が名はレーギャルン。夏らしい出で立ちになってはみたけれどどうも…調子が狂うわね。

Laevatein always looks darling no matter what outfit she wears. You'll agree, I'm sure.レーヴァテインは何を着ても本当に可愛らしいわ。あなたもそう思うわよね?
In Múspell, every new day brought only more war. The idea of playing in the ocean? A ridiculous fantasy.ムスペルにいたときは毎日が過酷な戦いばかりだったわ。海で遊ぶなんてもってのほかよ。
In Múspell, the only sea is a sea of flames. You could try swimming in it, but you'd burn to ash in an instant.ムスペルには炎の海があるのよ。もっとも、身体を浸せば一瞬で灰になってしまうけれど。
Might I bother you to apply some sunscreen to my back? There are some spots I'm unable to reach...時間があるなら、その…香油を塗ってもらえないかしら。背中に手が届かないの。
I can't help but feel exposed without my armor on...こんなに肌を見せるなんて…いつもの鎧がないと気分が落ち着かないわね…

친구 방문

I am Laegjarn of Múspell. I come bearing greetings from your friend [Friend]...私はムスペルのレーギャルン。[フレンド]から挨拶を…あまり、じろじろ見ないでもらえる?

레벨 업

I can't say I mind the beach in summertime in the least.夏の海も悪くはないわね…
Next to the fires of Múspell, the sun here is nice and refreshing.ムスペルの炎に比べればこの程度の日射しは涼しいくらいよ。
Perhaps this swimsuit is to blame for such poor performance...調子が出ないのは…この水着が原因かしら?


Thank you. It's like you knew exactly what I wanted.気遣い、感謝するわ。私が欲しいものがわかるのね。

5성 40레벨 달성

The beach in midsummer... It's like a dream. I find myself losing track of more time than I'd care to admit.
My duty is to fight. I mustn't lose sight of that while indulging in the pleasures of the summer season.
And yet...spending time with you here, in this weather, has been one of the highlights of my life.
Whatever destiny lies ahead, I will always have these memories to return to—even when times grow dark.
Thank you for that. I will repay you as best I can on the battlefield. You can count on it, [Summoner].





오의 발동

I will show you how I swim.泳いでみせるわ
In summer, the ocean!夏には海を
Sink beneath the waves!沈みなさい!
The sun! How it shines!真夏の太陽に!


Laevatein, I'm sorry...ごめんなさい…レーヴァテイン…


I'd never even considered dressing like this. Do I put you in mind of Loki?こ、こんな格好…考えられないわ。まるであのロキみたい…
If you plan to go swimming, you should join me in some stretching exercises.きゃあっ! え…泳ぐ前には、体を動かすものなの?
Compared to the scorching heat of Múspell, the midsummer sun is rather mild, I find. It's relaxing!夏の暑さには慣れているわ。灼熱のムスペルに比べれば、天国よ。
Ah, the sun is hot and yet the ocean is so cool. I feel refreshed.暑い夏に海で泳ぐのは…とても心地良いのね。
I feel that I must make this clear. Don't even think about laying a hand upon my sister.一応、警告しておくわ。妹に手を出したら許さない…
I wonder what Laevatein thinks about her swimming garb.レーヴァテインにこんな格好をさせるのはどうかと思うわ…
I trust you...to teach me how to swim.あなたになら…泳ぎを教えてもらいたいわ。

아군 턴 터치

Swim training!泳ぎを教えて
Mm, the sun!夏の盛りね

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