성제의 유성 라크체/대사


My name is Larcei, and I vow on the name of Od the Sword Saint to take first place at the festival tournament!わたし、ラクチェ!聖祭の闘技大会でも一番を目指すわ。剣聖オードの名にかけて!

Astra is an Isaach technique passed down from the Sword Saint Od. This attire should help me hone it further.十二聖戦士のひとり、剣聖オードからイザークの民が受け継いできた流星……この衣装なら、ますます冴えわたるはず。
Prince Shannan is not attending the festival, so I must protect Lord Seliph in his stead!シャナン王子は来てないみたいだけどセリス様をお見かけしたわ。わたしがお守りしないと……!
I'm well-rested and got plenty to eat—perfect conditions to go out and best any opponent!ごはんはたっぷり食べたし、夜更かしせずにしっかり寝たわ!さあ、今日も勝ちまくるわよ!
I like my clothes as light as possible, since it's easier to move in, but I can make an exception for the festival.十二聖戦士のお祭りはいいけど、できるだけ軽くて薄い服装がいいわ。そのほうが動きやすいし!
I wonder if the crusaders' original armor still exists...
After all, we still have Balmung and the other weapons, right?

친구 방문

Come enjoy the Jugdral-themed festivities at the castle of your friend [Friend]![フレンド]さんの城はユグドラルの聖祭で盛り上がってるわ!これ、御裾分けですって!

레벨 업

My blade is the twinkle of a star... I will drive back the dark with the Astra I inherited from the Sword Saint Od!わたしの刃は星のまたたき……聖剣士オードから受け継いだ流星が闇を打ち払う!
Attack, then follow up... I won't forgive anyone who tries to disrupt the festival!迎撃、そして追撃……聖祭を邪魔する敵は許さない!
Huh? No, I feel fine... I just need to try harder.あれっ……調子は悪くないんだけど?


You want to see what I can do? I suppose I have no choice then.そんなにわたしの活躍が見たいの?もう、しかたがないなあ。

5성 40레벨 달성

Seeing the sword masters of other worlds, I've realized that, even in this outfit, my legs are still powerful tools.
The air of the battlefield, my foe's intent to kill...I can feel it on my skin. And then my legs carry me forward!
I might not know exactly what the Sword Saint Od wore, but I'm certain he felt the same way.
He probably used his legs to step forward without hesitation—just like this! And...also just like my mother...
Even though I was never able to meet the person her allies knew... I'd like to live up to those memories of her.





오의 발동

You won't escape!負けはしない!
Don't treat me like a child!子供扱いしないで!
Sword Saint Od!剣聖オードよ!
You've already lost!返り討ちよ!


I needed...more training...もっと…強くならなきゃ…


Today is the festival! Don't worry, I'll make sure you have fun.今日はお祭りよ。楽しみましょう。
Ugh, you need to calm down.きゃっ…! もう、はしゃぎ過ぎよ。
In our land, the crusaders are greatly admired to this day.私たちの大陸では、聖戦士は今でも崇拝されているのよ。
I refuse to become an embarrassment to Sword Saint Od... That's why I need to keep sharpening my skills!剣聖オードの血に恥じないように、もっと技を磨かないと…
Hmm, I wonder if I can master this weapon... No, I WILL master it!この武器、使いこなせるかしら…。ううん、弱気になるもんですか!
The festival to honor the crusaders... I wish my mother were here to enjoy it with me.聖戦士のお祭り…母様と一緒に回れたらどんなにか…
Did you enjoy the festival? I'm glad you could learn more about where I come from.あなたに故郷のことを知ってもらえて嬉しい。楽しかった?

아군 턴 터치

I'm ready.わかったわ
Let's get going.急ぎましょう
I won't fail!負けない!

캐릭터 페이지로