화촉의 신부 리리나/대사


On my name as Lilina of Ostia, I vow to play the role of bride better than anyone else at this festival!このお祭り、花嫁役はわたしに……!オスティア公女リリーナの名にかけて他の女の子たちには、負けない!

Roy and I are good friends, but... Marriage? I-I'm not sure about that...わたしとロイは、ともだちなんだから…結婚なんて、結婚なんて、そんなのまだ…
I've heard that Lord Eliwood looked exactly like Roy when he was young. I wonder what his wife looked like...エリウッドおじさま…聞いていたとおり、若い頃からロイにそっくり。奥様がどんな方だったのか、お話したい……
My father got so worked up... "It's too soon for you to marry!" "At least stay in Ostia with me when you do!"
Really, Father, it's only a festival...
I would like to have a real wedding ceremony of my own one day. Don't worry—I'll be sure to invite you too!わたしも、いつか本当の結婚式を…そのときはご招待しますね。
Scrambling to get the bridal bouquet sounds a little scary, but I've made up my mind. That bouquet will be mine!「花嫁のブーケ」を取り合うなんて、ちょっとこわい……でも、わたしだって負けない!

친구 방문

My dream came true! I hope you, too, are blessed by this happiness one day!いま、わたしは幸せです。夢がかなったの……!あなたにも祝福がありますように!

레벨 업

All of the well wishes I've received are making my magic stronger! I hope everyone can experience this one day.祝福の魔力が満ちる…わたしの想いが、みんなの力になる……!
With the power of love! ...Th-this is a little embarrassing...愛の力で!……ちょっと、はずかしい…
I've looked forward to wearing this dress for too long to have something like this ruin it!もうっ、せっかくのドレスが!ゆるさないんだから!


I'll need to study a lot if I'm to become a proper lady. So thanks!たくさん勉強して、りっぱな公女にならなくちゃ。

5성 40레벨 달성

I wonder how Roy feels about me... It's so hard to tell what he's thinking sometimes.
Oh, [Summoner]!
No, no, I'm not crying. I'm just... Well, I guess I'm thinking about the future.
Not only are Roy and I the same age, but our fathers are also close friends.
Needless to say, the two of us have been friends for a long, long time.
So when Roy said we should both do our best in the festival, I was really happy...
But then I realized he was cheering on other girls, as well. And I'm just... I'm not sure what to think.
...Mhm. Right, yes... I was the first to love Roy, it's true. And I always will.
So I can't let this get me down. I won't lose to those other girls! Thank you, [Summoner]!


Take thisこれで…


At this rate...このままじゃ…

오의 발동

I pledge my love!愛を誓うわ
We'll be together!そばにいてね
Together forever!あなたと生きたい
How wonderful...とっても幸せ…


My love's not enough?愛が…足りないの…?


I'm Lilina. This is the first time I've worn a dress like this… How does it look? Good, I hope!リリーナよ。こんなドレス、初めてで…似合うかしら?
Ah! Hey! Can't you see how nervous I am?!きゃっ! もう、緊張してるのにひどいわ。
I always thought I'd wear something like this, one day... But after actually putting it on, I'm not quite sure how to feel.いつかはって思ってたけど、本当に着てみると不思議な気分…
Even if this is only a festival, I'm not sure Father's happy about the reminder that I'll get married one day... Hee-hee-hee.お父様ったら、花嫁姿なんてまだ早いって。うふふ…
Oh, I wish I could have seen Father and Mother's wedding.お父様とお母様にもこんな日があったのよね。見たかったわ。
Roy... Someday, you and I…ロイ…いつかあなたと……
One day, I'll have my very own, proper ceremony. You'll be there for that as well, right?わたしが本当に式をあげるときは、あなたも出席してね?

아군 턴 터치

It's like a dream.夢みたい

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