여자를 싫어하는 검사 론쿠/대사


I'm Lon'qu, a swordsman from Regna Ferox. And...that's all there is to know about me.…ロンクーだ。フェリア国出身の剣士…それ以外に語ることはない。

I hope to truly master the sword...but something might be throwing off my hand.
Maybe if I...steadied myself around women, that would do the trick.
Before becoming a Shepherd, I was right hand to Basilio, West-Khan of Regna Ferox.俺は自警団に入るまではフェリア国の西の王、バジーリオの片腕として働いていた…
If you are too busy, I can patrol in your stead.お前はいつも何かしているな…見回りなら交代するぞ。
Would you care to spar? If you have no combat training, you could always throw rocks at me.暇なら手合わせに付き合え。なに? 戦えないから無理だと?では、石でも投げて応戦しろ…
I was just sharpening my sword. If it won't work when I need it, then that will be the end of me.刃の手入れをしていた…肝心な時に使えないようでは、命取りになりかねんからな。

친구 방문

I think you're the one I was sent here to find. You know [Friend], yes?
I'm here to deliver a hello. Now that I have, I will leave.

레벨 업

This is only the start of what I can do.俺はまだまだ上を目指す…
The path to mastering the sword is a lonely one.…剣の道は孤独だ。


Being granted power instead of slowly earning it...isn't so bad.与えられる力というのも…悪くないものだな。

5성 40레벨 달성

You're here again. Why? What have I done to deserve this attention?
I have no wealth, no power. Nothing but my skills as a swordsman.
What? You value my presence? You find my help...reassuring?
No one has ever said that to me before, but I am glad my presence gives you strength.
Understood. I shall be your bodyguard, then.
I will stay by your side for as long as you want me.
なに? 俺といると、心強いからだと…?なるほど、用心棒というわけか?





오의 발동

No hard feelings.悪く思うな
Be silent!目障りだ
You're no challenge.…どけ
Give up.諦めろ




I, um, have trouble speaking to women.女は苦手だ…
Did you need something?何か用なのか…?
You're distracting me from my training.お、おい…気が散るだろう
Before coming here, I was the West-Khan's right-hand man...ここに来る前は、王の右腕として働いていたこともある…
Don't come to me for conversation.面白い話などできんぞ
The path to mastering the sword is a lonely one...剣の道は孤独だ…
Why would you want to talk to me?俺をこんなに気にかけるなんて…お前は、変わったやつだな

아군 턴 터치

Let's go.行くぞ

공격 - 신장


피격 - 신장


오의 발동 - 신장

And so I close this gate.扉を閉じる
Cease your struggling.悪あがきはよせ
It ends now.ここで終わりだ
You chose the wrong opponent.相手が悪いな

패배 - 신장

Not in a place like this...こんな…ところで…

상태창 - 신장

I'm wearing this simply because I was instructed to wear something new.新しい衣装を着ろと言われたので着ただけだ。
Don't approach me so casually.!? …気安く触るな。
The princess of Embla is of few words. I can relate.エンブラの皇女は…無口だな。そこだけは親しみを感じる。
Regardless of my change in garb, I do not wish to be stared at. So back off.服が変わったから何だと言うんだ? ジロジロ見られて落ち着かん…
There are many more swordsmen here than before. I'm glad for the opportunity to hone my craft.ここにも随分剣士が増えた。腕を磨く機会が増えて有難い。
I used to think the path to mastering the sword is a lonely one.剣の道は孤独…そう思っていたんだがな…
Is this your way of being thoughtful? I appreciate it.これもお前なりの気づかいなんだな。感謝している。

아군 턴 터치 - 신장

Leave it to me.任せろ

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