미래를 향한 결의 루키나/대사


I am Lucina, princess of the Halidom of Ylisse. I will change fate and never yield to despair!イーリス聖王国王女、ルキナ。絶望に屈しない魂とともに私は運命を変えてみせます!

I must match my father's strength! The fate of my world will remain unchanged otherwise.お父様に追いつく…!それくらいの気概がないと運命は変えられません!
I must grow stronger, so I never have to witness such a terrible tragedy again.もう二度と、悲惨な運命を目の当たりにはしたくありません。そのために私は強くならなくては!
I really should apologize to the Hero-King Marth for borrowing his identity...伝説の英雄マルスの名前を無断でお借りしたことはいつかお詫びしなくてはなりませんね…
This garb is proof of my resolve to forge a thriving future for Ylisse.この装束は決意の証。イーリス聖王国の未来を創る者として覚悟を込めた証なのです。
I'm so sorry! I was doing some training and ended up putting a hole in the wall of my room...すみません! どれほど成長できたのか確かめようとしたら…部屋の壁に穴を空けてしまいました。

친구 방문

I am Lucina from the Halidom of Ylisse. I come bearing gifts from [Friend].イーリス聖王国のルキナと申します。[フレンド]さんから贈り物を預かってまいりました。

레벨 업

I will never give up, Father! I will fight back against fate until the bitter end!お父様、私は決してあきらめません!最後の最後まで運命に抗います!
I can continue on thanks to the support of my friends.私が戦えるのは背中を押してくれる仲間がいるからです。
How can I face Father like this?これでは、お父様に合わせる顔がありません…


There is no limit to how strong I can become... I'm sure that's what my father would say.強さに限界はない…お父様なら、きっとそう言うはずです。

5성 40레벨 달성

When I journeyed to the world of the past, I had only a sword. I didn't yet understand how to resist despair.
But through forging relationships with people in that world, fighting through adversity together, I grew strong.
I also learned the most important tool at one's disposal during a fight is strength of heart. Hope.
Father and his friends were tight-knit and loyal. They overcame incredible obstacles together because of that.
I want to emulate that steadfastness. So I've started training my heart in addition to my sword arm.
Refusing to let hope die is the most powerful weapon against despair. My father showed me that.





오의 발동

Such power...新たな力で…
Watch over me!見ていてください!
To pieces!打ち砕きます!
I won't lose!負けはしません!




You know, it's strange... I feel this rush of heat, and suddenly I'm stronger than ever.体が熱い…。力が湧いてくるようです。
*startle* Be careful! What if I'd had my weapon drawn?!きゃっ…!? 武器を持っていたら危ないですよ?
The more weapons you're comfortable with, the better. You can never be too flexible!扱える武器は多いに越したことはありませんからね。
I overdid it and broke another training dummy. I'm so sorry!すみません。手元が狂って壁に穴が…
Have you seen my father around? I've been meaning to ask him for some sparring practice.お父様はどこですか? ぜひ手合わせしていただきたいんです。
Those with the power to shape the world bear an incredible burden of responsibility. Father knew that all too well.大きな力には責任が伴います。そうですよね? お父様…
Knowing I can be of use to you makes me really happy.あなたの役に立てることが嬉しいんです。

아군 턴 터치

What do you think?そうですか
With caution.慎重に…
I've got this.大丈夫です

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