신위의 사수 루키나/대사


I am Lucina, daughter of the Exalt Chrom of the Halidom of Ylisse. I come wielding a legendary bow.イーリス聖王国の聖王クロムが一子。伝承の偉大なる弓を携え、ここに参上致しました。

I'm heading out on patrol. I heard that Grima may have been spotted in this world, so we must remain vigilant.さて、見回りの時間ですね。こちらの世界にもギムレーが現れたと噂で聞きましたし、集中しないと。
It's hard to feel at ease when wielding a weapon I'm not used to. I suppose the only remedy is more training...普段と違う武具を身につけるのはなんだか落ち着かないですね。もっと鍛錬に励まないと…
You have bags under your eyes. Have you not been resting well? Or were you up late reading again?[召喚師]さん、目の下にクマができていますよ。また夜更けまで書物を読んでいたのですか?
It requires a keen eye to hit a distant target. My eyesight happens to be quite finely honed.
I often keep an eye on you as well.
You...you wish to inquire regarding this...shattered training dummy? It was...um...beyond my control...
I was practicing speed nocking, and I became so focused that...well...as you can see...

친구 방문

My name is Lucina. It's quite nice to see you, [Summoner].
You're right—this isn't my usual outfit. Good eye!

레벨 업

I feel as if I could shoot a star out of the sky!今なら天の綺羅星でも射抜ける気がします!
Not bad...but I'll continue to improve with more experience.まずまずですね。経験を積んでいけば、もっと上達できるはずです。
My apologies... Perhaps I'm just better with a sword.す、すみません…剣のようにはうまくいかないものですね…


This thrill is second only to slipping into a new outfit.新しい力が身につく、この感覚…心が躍りますね。新しい衣装に袖を通したかのようです。

5성 40레벨 달성

Oh, [Summoner]!
M-my apologies. I must seem so flustered right now... Was my visage truly contorted in such a manner?
I heard the fell dragon Grima may have appeared in this world, as well...
The very same that led my own world to ruin. I was not strong enough back then...
I was unable to protect my own parents...my own precious friends and allies... I could protect no one.
When I think that the same awful fate may befall another world, I suppose I cannot help but scowl.
Even the aid of a legendary weapon such as this does little to console me. But, [Summoner]...
Thank you. You are kind to offer your assistance. I will never turn it down.
I don't want to lose anyone so special to me ever again. And with your aid, perhaps I won't.





오의 발동

The future can be changed.未来は変えられます
I won't lose!負けはしません!
Let's settle this!決着をつけます!
There is hope for this world!この世界に希望を!


There's still hope...この世界に…希望を…


I'm Lucina, Chrom's daughter from the future.私はルキナ。未来から来た、クロムの娘です。
After the things I have witnessed, I am not so easily startled.きゃっ!? …びっくりしてしまいました。
So, what do you think of my outfit?この格好…いかがでしょうか?
Could it be that Grima exists in this world as well? That means...まさか、この世界にもギムレーが…? もしそうなら、私は…
Thanks to my father and the strength of our bond...my future was saved.私たちの未来は救われました…お父様と、絆の力によって。
Fell dragon Grima... I swear upon my life, I will defeat you once and for all.ギムレー…私の全てを賭けて…あなたを倒します。
I will not lose... Never again. Not as long as you and I share this bond.私はもう…負けません。あなたとの絆があるから…

아군 턴 터치

Can't decide...迷いますね…
Let's do it.そうしましょう

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