신위의 사수 루키나/대사
I am Lucina, daughter of the Exalt Chrom of the Halidom of Ylisse. I come wielding a legendary bow. | イーリス聖王国の聖王クロムが一子。伝承の偉大なる弓を携え、ここに参上致しました。 |
I'm heading out on patrol. I heard that Grima may have been spotted in this world, so we must remain vigilant. | さて、見回りの時間ですね。こちらの世界にもギムレーが現れたと噂で聞きましたし、集中しないと。 |
It's hard to feel at ease when wielding a weapon I'm not used to. I suppose the only remedy is more training... | 普段と違う武具を身につけるのはなんだか落ち着かないですね。もっと鍛錬に励まないと… |
You have bags under your eyes. Have you not been resting well? Or were you up late reading again? | [召喚師]さん、目の下にクマができていますよ。また夜更けまで書物を読んでいたのですか? |
It requires a keen eye to hit a distant target. My eyesight happens to be quite finely honed. I often keep an eye on you as well. | 遠くの的に当てるコツですか?私、観察力には自信があるんです。あなたのこともよく見ていますよ。 |
You...you wish to inquire regarding this...shattered training dummy? It was...um...beyond my control... I was practicing speed nocking, and I became so focused that...well...as you can see... | えっ、この壁の穴…ですか?その…不可抗力というか…試射中に、つい力が入ってしまって… |
친구 방문
My name is Lucina. It's quite nice to see you, [Summoner]. You're right—this isn't my usual outfit. Good eye! | はじめまして。私はルキナ。故あって、本日はこのような装いで失礼致します。 |
레벨 업
I feel as if I could shoot a star out of the sky! | 今なら天の綺羅星でも射抜ける気がします! |
Not bad...but I'll continue to improve with more experience. | まずまずですね。経験を積んでいけば、もっと上達できるはずです。 |
My apologies... Perhaps I'm just better with a sword. | す、すみません…剣のようにはうまくいかないものですね… |
This thrill is second only to slipping into a new outfit. | 新しい力が身につく、この感覚…心が躍りますね。新しい衣装に袖を通したかのようです。 |
5성 40레벨 달성
Oh, [Summoner]! M-my apologies. I must seem so flustered right now... Was my visage truly contorted in such a manner? I heard the fell dragon Grima may have appeared in this world, as well... The very same that led my own world to ruin. I was not strong enough back then... I was unable to protect my own parents...my own precious friends and allies... I could protect no one. When I think that the same awful fate may befall another world, I suppose I cannot help but scowl. Even the aid of a legendary weapon such as this does little to console me. But, [Summoner]... Thank you. You are kind to offer your assistance. I will never turn it down. I don't want to lose anyone so special to me ever again. And with your aid, perhaps I won't. | [召喚師]さん、すみません、気が立ってしまって。そんなに怖い顔をしていましたか? この世界にも、邪竜ギムレーが現れたと耳にしたものですから…はい。私の世界を破滅に導いた存在です。 あの時の私には、力がなくて…父や母、大事な仲間達や、多くの人を守ることが出来ませんでした。 また同じ歴史を繰り返してしまうのではとひどく不安で、つい眉間に皺が…神器を手にしていてもだめですね。 ありがとう、[召喚師]さん。お言葉に甘えて、頼らせて下さい。もう二度と、大切な人を失わないために。 |
ええいっ! | |
それっ! |
きゃああっ! | |
そんな…っ! |
오의 발동
The future can be changed. | 未来は変えられます |
I won't lose! | 負けはしません! |
Let's settle this! | 決着をつけます! |
There is hope for this world! | この世界に希望を! |
There's still hope... | この世界に…希望を… |
Yes? | ふふふっ |
I'm Lucina, Chrom's daughter from the future. | 私はルキナ。未来から来た、クロムの娘です。 |
After the things I have witnessed, I am not so easily startled. | きゃっ!? …びっくりしてしまいました。 |
So, what do you think of my outfit? | この格好…いかがでしょうか? |
Could it be that Grima exists in this world as well? That means... | まさか、この世界にもギムレーが…? もしそうなら、私は… |
Thanks to my father and the strength of our bond...my future was saved. | 私たちの未来は救われました…お父様と、絆の力によって。 |
Fell dragon Grima... I swear upon my life, I will defeat you once and for all. | ギムレー…私の全てを賭けて…あなたを倒します。 |
I will not lose... Never again. Not as long as you and I share this bond. | 私はもう…負けません。あなたとの絆があるから… |
아군 턴 터치
Yes? | ええ |
Can't decide... | 迷いますね… |
Let's do it. | そうしましょう |