봄의 마법을 구하기 위해 류트/대사


I'm Luthier. I am here in search of seasonal spring magic. This outfit is part of— Don't laugh at me!リュートだ。春の魔法とやらを探している。この装束も探求の一環…おい、なんだその含み笑いは?

What kind of relationship exists between bunnies and spring magic? Seems a bit of a rabbit hole...ウサギと春の魔法の間にどんな因果関係があるのか…魔道というものは奥が深いな。
Alm told me I can turn to him if I have anything I need to talk about. I don't know what he means, but nice, right?さっきアルムに悩みがあるなら話してほしいと言われた。意味はわからんが、奴は友達思いだな。
I've been hearing murmurs that the world will come to an end if these eggs aren't watched with utmost care.
Is that true?
I am not "frolicking." I'm seeking out spring magics. I won't reduce my enthusiasm on your account.浮かれているわけではない。春の魔法を探しているのだ。俺は努力を怠らないからな。
If Delthea sees me in this outfit, she'll tease me for the next three years... She absolutely must not witness this.この格好をデューテに見られたら向こう3年はからかわれる…。絶対に見つからないようにしないとな。

친구 방문

This outfit? It is the mark of one who is investigating the magics of spring—for [Friend]!なにを警戒している。俺は[フレンド]の使いだ。春だから浮かれているわけではない…!

레벨 업

Perhaps there is something to be enjoyed on a spring day like this... Er, don't listen in on my private talk!こんな春の日があってもいいのかもしれないな…なんでもない、独り言だ!
I think you can see that I am quite serious.わかってもらえたか。俺はいたって真面目だ。
I was distracted worrying over what could be hidden within the eggs...卵の中身が気になって戦いに集中できなかった…。


A new power?! Is this the magic of the spring season that I've been seeking?!力が満ちてくるだと…!?これが噂に聞く春の魔法か!

5성 40레벨 달성

So, is it true that if I dress like this, I will grasp the secrets of seasonal spring magic?!
It's possible this sort of magic comes as second nature to me...
People have been much more drawn to me here... They keep calling out and stopping to talk.
Hm. Perhaps I have made a few new acquaintances... I imagine the festival atmosphere helped matters as well...
It is possible that some of them may even become my friends... Maybe...
...What are you grinning about?! You're incorrigible.
Despite my struggles with the seasonal spring magic, I have enjoyed my time... So, thanks.
ん? 知り合いは増えたのかだと?そりゃまあ…祭りの勢いというか雰囲気に背中を押されたというか…。





오의 발동

A bit of seasonal magic!春の魔法だ!
Why don't you take a nap?寝ぼけているのか?
A vernal explosion!スプリングハズカム!
The hopping shall commence!ぴょーん!


The nature of merriment...浮かれた…訳では……


So wearing bunny ears in spring is a cultural custom in Askr. Fascinating.異界では春になると兎の耳をつけるものなのか? なるほど…
Watch where you're going! You nearly made me drop my egg...うわっ…! 何をする! 卵が割れてしまうではないか!!
Something about warm and peaceful weather puts me in the mood to nap.ふわ…こう暖かいと、眠くてかなわんな…
While I prefer to remain indoors, I see now that festivals can be as engaging as research.いつも籠って研究ばかりしていたが…祭りというのは楽しいものだな。
Does our spending time together here mean that we've become...friends?祭りを一緒に楽しむなんて、まさに友達という感じがするな!
If Delthea saw me in this outfit, I'm certain I would scarcely hear the end of it.こんな格好をデューテに見られたら、からかわれるどころではすまんな…
My research during this festival has bloomed vibrantly. I owe you my thanks.お前のおかげでまた新たな世界を知ることができた。感謝している。

아군 턴 터치

I will handle it.任せろ
Feeling lethargic?眠いのか?
Spring has sprung!春が来たぞ!

캐릭터 페이지로