바람의 공녀 린/대사


My name is Lyndis, and I'm here to help. All threats to this world will be scattered to the winds.私はリンディス。あなたの力になるわ。人々を苦しめる災いがあるのなら、それを払うために戦いたいの。

The Kingdom of Askr is such a strange place. Nothing like the plains of my homeland, or even like Caelin.
Yet, for some reason... It feels so familiar.
The people of the plains don't need to loose countless arrows to hunt. We need but a single, well-aimed shot.
This helps ensure our prey does not suffer needlessly.
Hmm... What can I do to take some of the burden off you? I know. Maybe a good sparring session will help.あなたが楽になるように私がしてあげられることって……肩をほぐしてあげる、とか?
A spirit of protection resides within this bow. Reach out your hand... Do you feel the winds of the plains?この弓には精霊の加護が宿っているの。ほら、そっと触ってみて…草原の風を感じるでしょう?
Hii-yaah! O-oh, it's you! I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you up...
Although, you really shouldn't just tap me on the shoulder like that while I'm meditating.

친구 방문

I'd be delighted if you could remain good friends with [Friend].[フレンド]から挨拶よ。これからも良い関係でいられたら嬉しいわ。

레벨 업

Amazing... The spirits must be to thank for this.すごい…きっと精霊たちのおかげね。
There's a strong tailwind. My arrows will fly true.追い風よ。矢も良く飛びそう。
The wind blows against us. But watch me next time...向かい風ね…でも、次を見てて。


I can fight because I have you at my side.あなたがいてくれるから、私は戦えるの。

5성 40레벨 달성

Eliwood, Hector, and I once fought a fierce battle—together wiping away a calamity that threatened the world.
The Archsage Athos said an evil star would rise and see the land once again awash in blood.
I used to await that day in fear, constantly wondering when it would finally arrive.
However, I'm no longer afraid. If we saved the world once, we can save it again.
It's thanks to the time I've spent with you that I feel this way.
The next time I'm all alone on the plains, or whenever my chest tightens with worry... Thanks to you, I...
It's these precious moments with you that will allow me to carry on. Thank you, [Summoner].




I won't lose!負けない…!

오의 발동

It's time to end this.終わりにするわ!
I'll hit my mark.狙いは不要
One arrow, one kill.一射一殺
Aim well and victory is assured.正射必中


I let you down...みんな…許して…


You're calling me a Legendary Hero? I'm just Lyn. I'm nowhere near that grand.リンよ。伝承の英雄…? 私はそんな大それた人間じゃないわ。
Look, I'm pretty sure I told you this before—cut it out already.きゃあっ!? …だから、怒るって言ったでしょ!
*deep breathes in and out*すぅぅぅ…はぁぁぁ…
Can you feel it? The same breeze that caresses our skin carries my arrows to their targets.感じる…? 肌を撫でるこの風に…矢を乗せるの。
Once loosed, an arrow will go where I aim it. I've trained long enough—I know.撃てば、狙った場所に行く。ずっと鍛錬してたら、そうなってたわ。
If I was able to save one world, then surely I can save this one too.一つの世界を救えたのなら、この世界も…
Stick by me. I don't want to lose anyone I care about.ずっと傍にいてね。大切な人を…失いたくないから…

아군 턴 터치

What's the plan?策を考えてるの?
Taking aim!射抜いてみせるわ

캐릭터 페이지로