그라드의 눈빛 리온/대사


I am Lyon of Grado. I am new to this place, so I hope we can be friends.ぼくはグラドのリオン。こんなところは初めてです。仲良くしてください。

I hope Father is well...父上……お元気であればいいけれど…
Grado is a large country, but it is not great in wealth. Earthquakes cause trouble frequently as well...グラドは広くて大きい国だけれど、あまり豊かではないんだ……地震も多いし……
I don't care for places that bustle with people...あの……あまり、賑やかなところは苦手で……
I'm not built to wield a sword, spear, or axe—or even a bow. That is why I pour my effort into studying magic.剣を振り回すのは、ぼくには向かなくて。槍も、斧もね……もちろん、弓もダメ。だからぼくは魔道を学ぶことにしたんだ。
Hhnngg! Ahh... General Duessel often tells me to stand up straight, stretch my back, and breathe deeply.んんんんん! すはー……デュッセル将軍がね、背中を伸ばして深く息をお吸いなさいってよく言うんだ。

친구 방문

My name is Lyon. I was told to give you this by [Friend].はじめまして、[召喚師]。ぼくはリオン。[フレンド]からこれを預かっていますよ。

레벨 업

Can I grow even more powerful still? If so, I aim to, for father's sake—and for the sake of Grado!こんなぼくでも、強くなれるの……?それなら…父上のために、グラドのために強くなりたい……!
You would not retreat, so what choice did I have!どうしても退いてくれないから……しかたないよね?
I will not be ashamed, nor will I shout in anger... I am the prince of Grado.下を向かない。声を上げて泣いたりしない。ぼくはグラドの皇子なんだ。


This is a strange feeling... What are your expectations with regard to my growth, [Summoner]?不思議な気分です。[召喚師]から見て、どうですか?

5성 40레벨 달성

My father is Vigarde, the emperor of Grado. He is a great man who thinks only of his people.
I hear he is called the Silent Emperor by some, and is not taken seriously... But he is truly strong—unlike me.
Grado has General Duessel too, so our military is strong. That is why I will support Grado with my studies.
Speaking of which, my father often journeys beyond Grado in search of those who might be of service.
I'd like to introduce you to Father if I get the chance. I think he would appreciate meeting you!





오의 발동

I can do this!僕だって!
Don't you dare!ち、近づかないで!
I am a prince...皇子なんだから…
I must find the strength.強くならなきゃ…


Of course I failed...やっぱり…僕…


I'm... Lyon. Oh, yes... I'm the prince of the Grado Empire. Right.ぼ、僕はリオン。一応グラド帝国の皇子…かな。
Aaagh! Oh...It's you. You scared me.わあっ! な、なんだ君か。びっくりしちゃった…
I always wanted friends the same age as me...僕、同じ年頃の友達、ずっと欲しかったから…
As emperor, I hope I can match up to my father.父上みたいな、立派な皇帝になれたらいいな…
It would make me happy if we could get along with people in other countries.他の国のみんなとも…仲良くなれたらうれしいな…
If I can just get stronger, then... I...僕も…もっと強くなれたら…
You want to be friends? That's great.君、僕の友達になってくれるの…? う、嬉しいな…

아군 턴 터치

Uh, yes...う、うん
Which way?どっち?
I'll go and see.行ってみるよ

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