진지한 구도자 리시테아/대사


I am Lysithea von Ordelia. With introductions out of the way...show me to your library. My need is urgent.リシテア=フォン=コーデリア。時間が惜しいです。早くわたしを図書館に案内してください。

I agree with Edelgard—if we disavow the value of Crests, we can end the special status of Fódlan nobles.フォドラで貴族を貴族たらしめているのは紋章の存在。紋章の血脈を否定するエーデルガルトの考えには賛成だわ。
Life is short. I can't afford to let even a moment of mine go to waste.わたしには、一瞬たりとも無駄にする時間はありません。命は待ってはくれないので…
I'm not sure what it is, exactly, but something about your presence reminds me of my professor.ふむ、あなたは先生に近い雰囲気を感じます。纏っている空気が似ているのでしょうか。
Does this dress make me look as refined as I feel? Hey, I asked you a question! Where are you going?!良いドレスでしょう?わたしの大人っぽさが引き立ちますね。…今、目を逸らしませんでしたか?
Askr's sweets are amazing. I mean, I heard...from a friend...that they're great. And that they're good for you!もぐもぐ…アスク王国のお菓子もなかなか…はっ! 違います。これは脳に必要な栄養なんです。

친구 방문

Good to meet you. I am Lysithea. I am here to check on you at [Friend]'s request.ごきげんよう。わたしはリシテア。[フレンド]からあなたの様子を見てこいと頼まれました。

레벨 업

The natural result of superior effort.当然です。そのための努力をわたしは重ねてきたのですから。
This won't do. I need to aim higher.この程度では満足しません。目指す境地は、もっと高いので。
It would be childish of me to sulk over something like this.拗ねたりはしませんよ。わたしはもう子どもじゃありませんから。


Wise decision. You've got potential.よい判断です。あなた、見どころがありますね。

5성 40레벨 달성

Time may pass at the same rate for all, but not everyone gets the same amount of it.
I can't control how much time I have. I can only decide what to do with what I'm given.
If my time is shorter than others', then it would be a waste to spend any of it grieving.
No—it merely means I must accomplish more with less.
To that end, I plan to learn all I can in Askr. For my parents, and for my friends...I plan to achieve great things.





오의 발동

Don't waste my time!邪魔なんです
Did you think I'd miss?甘く見ないで
Die with your regrets.後悔しますよ…!


No... Not yet...まだ…倒れる訳には…


I am Lysithea von Ordelia. Please do not forget it.わたしはリシテア=フォン=コーデリア。お見知りおきくださいね。
I don't play childish games.きゃあっ!? あなた、子供なんですか!?
I've grown a lot these past few years. I'm much taller now!もう子供っぽくないでしょう? 背もだいぶ伸びたんですよ。
I make it a point to dress in a tastefully mature way. It's worth the time.このドレスは気に入ってるんです。大人っぽくみえますし。
No, I haven't eaten any cake today. Why? There is no frosting on my face...is there?!…何ですか? じっと見て。お菓子なんて食べてませんけど?
Think of all I could achieve...if I only had more time.私にもっと…時間があれば…
You bring out the best in us. Just like a professor I once had.あなたも先生と同じ。私たちのいいところを引き出してくれる人です。

아군 턴 터치

Always accurate.正しいですね
Let's make this quick.露払いです

캐릭터 페이지로