검무의 용병 마리스/대사


I'm Malice. My sword doesn't come cheap, so I hope whoever's in charge here has their finances in order.俺はマリス。安くない傭兵さ。ここの主が金払いの良いお人だといいがな。

That jackass said I would look good in a dress! Next time he screws with me like that, he's a dead man. Got it?あの野郎、俺にドレスが似合いそうなんてぬかしやがったんだ。今度俺をからかったら殺すと伝えとけ。
My father is a skilled mercenary, but a lousy gambler. Sure as hell doesn't stop him from tryin', though.俺の親父は腕の良い傭兵だが賭け事のほうはからっきしでね。そのくせ突っ込みやがるから……
I've watched my father lose enough times to know the score—the house always wins. Everyone else? Losers.
If that's your thing, just make sure it doesn't get outta hand.
I just want my old man to be happy. Money lost to bets can be earned back, but there's no replacin' him.親父には笑っていてほしいのさ。賭けて消えた金は、また稼げばいい。けど、親父の代えはないからな。
Of course you can't make sense of my techniques. It's not like they're proper "martial style" or whatever.
It's all just for show—movements meant to dazzle the untrained eye.

친구 방문

The name's Malice. I'm [Friend]'s merc. ...Oh yeah, I was told to give you this.俺はマリス。[フレンド]の傭兵だ。挨拶の品を持ってきたぜ。

레벨 업

If you want me to keep working, I'm gonna need to see some coin. Let's say...590 gold. That'll do the trick.ここから先は追加料金を頂くぜ。そうだな、思い切って590ゴールドくらいもらえたら嬉しいんだがな。
Long as you keep paying, I'll keep workin'. Simple as that.お代の分は働くさ。
Damn it... Botched the landing.ち……飛びそこねたか。


Hell yeah! I'd expect no less from ya. Misers are no fun to work with.ヒュウ! いいねえ。さすがは[召喚師]だ。しみったれてなくていい!

5성 40레벨 달성

You never thought twice about a woman like me choosing the sellsword life, did you?
Normally, people can't help sayin' something. But it's not all bad...
Hell, one time someone told me that my blade danced like shooting stars!
Can you believe that? No matter what world you're in, I guess some people just have a way with words...
I'm not one of 'em, so I'll keep it simple: I'll follow you wherever you go. It's fun keepin' ya company.
But in return... Let's see, what should I have you do?
...Got it. I want you to praise me more, [Summoner].
The words that spill outta your mouth aren't half-bad, so feel free to get started right away!


Too slow遅いな


So strong...!強い…!

오의 발동

This'll cost ya.覚えとけよ!
Don't work for free!俺は安くないぜ
Earnin' my keep!いっちょ稼ぐか
It's just a job.恨まないでくれよ


Got a lot to learn...俺もまだまだ…未熟だな…


I'm Malice, a mercenary. Want to hire me? It don't come cheap.俺はマリス。安くない傭兵さ。
Hey now! What do you think you're doing?うおっ!? なーにしやがる!
I try to save up, but...the moment the money comes in, it goes back out again. My old man and his gambling...親父の奴、金をいくら稼いでもすぐに博打で使っちまう。
Ogma? That man saved us. He gave us food when we were dyin'.オグマは行き倒れてた俺たちに食い物を恵んでくれた恩人なんだ。
Got a question for ya. Is Prince Alfonse good about paying people what they're owed?聞きたいんだが、アルフォンス王子は金払いの良いお人か?
Hmmm... If I want to eat tomorrow, I've got to get my hands on some money today...あー、明日の食い物の金なんとかしないと…
Nah, I don't mind showing you how I swing a sword. Hell, I won't even charge ya.お前になら、俺の剣技を見せてやってもいいぜ。特別にタダでな。

아군 턴 터치

Time to make money.稼いでくるぜ

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