전자레인지 아이돌 마모리/대사


I'm Mamori Minamoto! You may have heard of me from Microwavin' with Mamorin. I'm here to help how I can!源まもり。レンチンアイドルをしてます。フツツカモノですが、どうかよろしくお願いします!

This place is full of strangers, and it makes me a bit nervous... But I want to try to get along with everyone!
I'll do my best, Mr. Draug!
When it comes to the industry, I'm actually Itsuki's senpai, y'know... There are times I rely on him though.私は芸能人としてはイツキさんより先輩なんですよ。えっへん。…頼っちゃうことも、あるんですけどね。
On patrol? Thanks for all your hard work! If only I had a microwave, I'd make you some tasty taiyaki, but...見回りですか? お疲れ様です!電子レンジがあったら、美味しいたい焼きを作ってあげられるんですけど…
Everyone acts surprised, but I really like traditional Japanese ballads— especially ones from the Showa era!
Huh? Y-you want me to sing? Well, I don't have anything prepared at the moment...
皆さんは意外って言うんですけど、私、昭和の歌謡曲とかが好きなんです。歌ってほしい? そ、それは心の準備が…
There are so many amazing women here. If I picture myself growing up like that, it inspires me to keep going!ここには素敵な女の人がたくさんいますね。あんな大人になった自分を想像するとよーし頑張ろう、って思います。

친구 방문

Ehehe... I'm here to deliver a greeting from [Friend]![フレンド]さんから、挨拶を届けにきました。えへへ…仲良しの友達っていいですね。

레벨 업

One step closer to being able to protect everyone!皆さんのことを守れる私に一歩近づくことが出来ました!
I want to keep on growing and growing.私、もっともっと成長していきたいです。
This isn't good. Not one bit...こんなんじゃダメダメです…


Thank you so much! Your support is what has carried me this far!ありがとうございます!応援していただいたお陰です!

5성 40레벨 달성

You always work so hard while on patrol, so...I just wanted to say thank you, [Summoner].
When I first arrived, I was nervous about being in another world... It was hard for me to talk to anyone else.
But you helped me find chances to talk to others, and thanks to that, I've been able to make more connections!
Ehehe... You didn't think I'd notice? I didn't point it out, but...I am very grateful. I want you to know that.
So, in order to give back, I'm going to get strong enough to protect even you! Please watch over me until then.


All riiiight!よいしょっ!


I'm still okay…!まだですっ…!

오의 발동

And... Bang!ドカンといきます!
I'll do my best!全力ですよー!
Could you help out, Mr. Draug?お願いしますドーガさん!
Draug : Stand strong!ドーガ : もっと固く!
Draug : I will protect you!ドーガ : 守る力を!
Draug : I am with you, Master!ドーガ : 行きますよマスター!




Uhhh mmm…えーっと…
Microwavin' with Mamorin is a new-age cooking show that only uses a microwave.「レンチンアイドル☆まもりん」は電子レンジしか使わない新時代のさとり系お料理番組なんです。
I'm...actually not a great cook...きゃあっ! あ、あなたっていたずら好きさんなんですね…
I'm gonna warm up your heart, with the press of a button!こころのあたため、すいっちおーん!
So there's more than one Tiki? And they come from other worlds? That's confusing...異界のチキちゃんはあのチキちゃんとは違うチキちゃん? …混乱してきちゃいました。
Mr. Draug is a great teacher. I know how to fight, thanks to him!ドーガさんと出会ったお陰で、私も戦えるようになったんです!
Mamori is my Master. She is someone who I must protect with my life.マスターを見ていると、守らなくてはと強く思いますね。あなたもそうでしょう?
I am blessed to have a durable body. I will use it to protect the ones I care about.大切な仲間を守ることのできるこの固い身体を、私は誇りに思っています。
With Mamori gone, Barry must be terribly worried. I hope he is all right.バリィは大丈夫でしょうか。マモリがいなくて暴れていないといいのですが。
It's sort of a kid's job to get pushed around by adults, isn't it? I guess I don't mind...大人の事情に振り回されるのは、いつだって子供の役目なんですよね…
I may be just a kid now, but someday I'll be big enough to shield you from all harm!今は頼りないかもですけど、いつか立派なあなたの盾になってみせます!

아군 턴 터치

I'm here!はいっ。
Ready to go!行きますよ!
I am prepared.いいですね。
I will handle this.お任せください。

캐릭터 페이지로