유성개안 마리타/대사


I am Mareeta, and Eyvel of Fiana is my mother. I will protect everyone with this blade!私はフィアナのエーヴェルの娘、マリータ!この剣でみんなを守ります!

Put your heart into it, put your heart into it...技に心を乗せる、技に心を乗せる……
My father was a strong and brave man, but also gentle.父は大きくて、たくましくてそして優しい人でした。
I'm impressed by all your hard work, [Summoner].
Let me know if I can help in any way.
The sword is swung using the motion of the hips and legs. That's why I stretch before heading into battle.剣は腰で振り、足で回すといいます。こうして出撃前はよくほぐしておかないと…
I keep Lord Shannan's words in mind. "Put your heart into your technique and the path to Astra will open."技と心が一体化したとき、はじめて流星剣への道が開ける…シャナン様の言葉を忘れずに鍛錬します。

친구 방문

My name is Mareeta. I'm training in the ways of the sword while I stay with [Friend].[フレンド]さんの城でお世話になっているマリータと申します。剣の修行で各所を訪ねているところです。

레벨 업

Hah! Hah! Yah! Tyah! My sword movement is still too slow. I need to get faster, stronger!ハッ、ハッ、ヤッ、タッ、ツアッ!…まだ剣先に鋭さが足りない気がする。もっと速く、もっと強く……!
I am the daughter of Eyvel of Fiana! I cannot lose here!私はフィアナのエーヴェルの娘!こんなところで負けません!
I will become even stronger!私はもっと強くなります!


All right! I am ready to fight!よし!行きますよ!

5성 40레벨 달성

People tell me that I am...that I have become stronger. I am starting to believe them but...
Some nights, though I don't know why, I feel like crying.
When my heart is shaken like that, it affects my blade, and I feel the weight of that uncertainty as I hold it.
That weakness of heart is the reason my blade falls short of my mother's. I doubt I can match her as I am now.
Ah, please don't be concerned! I just get this way sometimes. Thank you so much for listening!
I have decided not to harbor regrets. I vow to do my very best for you, [Summoner]!




I can still fight...まだいける…!

오의 발동

Put your heart into it.技に心を乗せる…!
A decisive strike!この一撃に…!
Just like my mother!母様みたいに…
Witness my strength!私の力で…!


Bitter defeat...くやしい…こんな…


Good technique comes from the heart. Shannan taught me that.技に心を乗せる…シャナン様からの大切な教えです。
Aah! Don't startle me like that!きゃあっ! も、もう、急に触ったら驚くじゃないですか。
My power is growing. I can feel it.何だか力が湧いてくるような…不思議な感覚です。
When technique and heart are one, the path to the true Astra will open...技と心が一体化した時、真の流星剣への道が開かれる…
I have never hated my father. Not once.私は一度だって、お父様を恨んだことはありません。
Mother, Father, please look after me...お母様、そしてお父様…私を見守ってください…
It is my sincere pleasure to fight for you.あなたを守り戦えることは、私の喜びです。

아군 턴 터치

Give me an order.従います
Heart perfects technique.技に心を…

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