에드먼드 변경백가 마리안/대사


Sorry...you're stuck with me.……私ですみません。

Dear Goddess, I ask for guidance... And for protection...主よ……我を赦したまえ……救いたまえ……。
My apologies if I cause you any trouble, summoner.あの……ご迷惑おかけしたら……すみません……
I spend most of my time looking after animals and praying to the goddess...私の日課は主への祈りと……動物たちの世話それだけです……。
I'm not good at talking to others. I can talk to a pegasus or a horse just fine. But if it's a person, I freeze up.鳥や動物となら、仲良くなれます……ペガサスやドラゴンも、大好きです。人と話すのは、苦手です……。
Um, did you need something from me?私の祈りは、懺悔です……

친구 방문

This is, um...a gift for you from your friend. I just came to deliver it.あの、これ……いえ、私のものでは……贈り物……あの方から、です。

레벨 업

I wonder how much more I can learn.もっと強くなれるでしょうか……
I guess I feel a little stronger.主よ……私たちにご加護を……
Um... Oh well.……期待に応えられなくてすみません……。


OK, I've got it now. I'll try to put this to use.嬉しいです……期待にこたえたい…です。

5성 40레벨 달성

I-is this a good time? I, um... I wanted to thank you. You always watch out for me. It's very encouraging.
I've never been good at talking to people. I'm actually much more comfortable with horses and birds.
It's not that I'm disinterested in people. I just...freeze up. It makes others uncomfortable around me.
It's because of my adoptive father that I went to the Officers Academy and made friends, but...
I'm sorry—I'm starting to ramble. I wanted to ask you... Is it OK if I stay here in Askr?
I-it is? I'm glad. Everyone here is so nice. Staying here really means a lot to me, [Summoner].
I never dreamed I'd come this far. Thank you again for your guidance.





오의 발동

My blood compels me!この血が戦えと…
I'm sorry!ごめんなさい…!
Keep away from me!関わらないで…!
Stay back!近寄らないで…!


I wasn't able to help...本当に…すみません…


I'm M-Marianne von Edmund...マリアンヌ=フォン=エドマンド……です…
Eeek! Oh...my apologies. I was distracted talking to my bird friend...きゃっ…?! いえ、私は何も…ちょっと小鳥とお話をしてただけです…
My adoptive father is a noble with territory in the north of the Alliance. Oh, um...you seem surprised to learn that I was adopted.私の義父はレスター北部の貴族で…あ、私は養女なんです…
I wonder... What is my purpose here? How can I make myself useful to others?私、ちゃんと皆さんの役に立っているでしょうか…?
P-Please forgive me...I'm not used to speaking so openly.す、すみません…人とお話しするのが苦手で…
Dear Goddess, I ask for guidance...主よ…私をお導きください…
When I'm with you...I feel at ease. I would like to continue working by your side. That is, um, if you don't mind, of course.あなたといると…安心します。できるだけ長く…そばに…

아군 턴 터치

Who, me?私、ですか…?
Is now good?今なら…
Um. OK...はい…

캐릭터 페이지로